What is your job title/what do you do? and as a score of 1 – 10,

1 being, what time is Loose women on and I need to get some more toilet paper and 10 being that you are in charge of Air Traffic control.

How seriously do you take your job?

I know this might be a moving target and likely to get a different result on a Monday to a Friday but take an average over the time you have worked at your current place.

  1. Currently in notice period so, 2.

    I enjoy the daily crossword, finished a couple of books, and done a fair bit of DIY in the garden.

  2. Driver/Deliver products locally to other businesses


    I work to live, not the other way around. As soon as 5pm hits, I’m gone

  3. Lead software engineer, 6-10 depending on how many times the thing I’m being asked to fix I said wouldn’t work how they wanted.

  4. I’m an astrophysicist. Probably a six. I enjoy research and lecturing, and most of my colleagues are sound, but academia as a system is shite. Too many ivory-tower over-privileged arseholes and bullies who don’t see any consequences for their actions because they bring in the grant money. Most of the energy I have left to give I spend on the students.

    Luckily, I don’t work in planetary defense, so nobody is likely to die if I’m not on the ball at work.

  5. Paramedic and I guess it’s usually a 9 or 10 but my seriousness drops a level on weekends when the majority of my time is spent patching up drunks who either got in fights or did something stupid.

  6. 1-2 part time retail and to say I’m fed up with my job and checked out af is an understatement

  7. Coach… I’d say I give it an 8… I never do anything fully seriously.

    You never go full serious dude, never.


  8. Asbestos consultant. 8ish.

    I am currently working in a prison, compiling a register of asbestos there. I have to be switched on all the time in there. Live cell landings with inmates wandering around, I have a phone for data input and a small bag of tools with me. I am escorted at all times.

    I also do air monitoring to determine the levels of airborne asbestos fibres. This is another one where you have to be on the ball. If I get it wrong, I could allow people to be exposed to high levels of asbestos fibres.

  9. Self Employed Gardener, probably take it like a 5/10 in terms of seriousness, it isn’t particularly hard work and I get to choose the jobs that I take on which is all good.
    One time a client caught me blasting myself in the face with a leaf-blower on a particularly hot day but he didn’t care, guess he understood.

  10. My exact job title is unique based on what I can see on LinkedIn. It’s a management role leading some specialist teams. As our org’s work helps create and support a lot of other jobs I’d say 6 or 7.

  11. I work for the emergency services, coastguard specifically. Unlike the police and ambulance we don’t really have specific people on call taking and others on dispatch. One person at each station is just on the radio, on a specific channel (VHF ch16). Everyone else is logged in to take and make calls and use the other coastguard radio channels.

    I’d say busy shifts are a 11/10, worse than air traffic control. I get their job is intense, but our job is pretty much entirely about people in distress, many of who will die or suffer life changing injuries if we don’t help them. But it’s not like that all day every day. It can be for several hours, especially on day shifts in the summer when everyone is on the beach, getting injured, people getting cut off by the tide, paddleboarders drifting out to sea etc

  12. Deck Officer on a ship. Usually operate at a 9 or 10, especially when on the bridge. But not gonna lie, my office work drops to a 5 or 6.

  13. Tax adviser. I’d say about a 2. Completely burnt out & saving already incredibly wealthy people money in tax planning is soul destroying. I should probably find a new career path!

  14. Design engineer doing 3d solid modelling for the defence and aerospace sectors. Usually 7-9, but life has shit all over me since early August when my mum died, now i struggle to find any fucks to give and am around a 3.

  15. Theatre construction/ tech so if it’s m building things that may fall and kill people about a 7 when opping a show… well I’m on Reddit answering questions like this

  16. Performance and data analyst, probably a 9 since errors cause reputational damage and huge frustration so accuracy and attention to detail are pretty key.

  17. I work in cybersecurity, I’d say 7-10, it depends. Let’s say I misidentify an attacker generated security event for legitimate administrator activity, or make a mistake with an automated workflow or configuration, that could jeopardize the company security posture. This could result in data/IP theft, ransomware infection, employee and customer details being leaked and sold including their personally identifiable information, health information, medical information, financial records etc.

  18. Architect.

    Specialise in food and lab projects. Labs have a cross over with food due to food and water testing but also do a lot of crime related labs taking forensics, DNA, workplace drug testing etc.

    Also have to design aspects of the buildings to a suitable security rating as they will hold millions of pounds worth of class a drugs at any one time dependent on recent heists etc.

    Ranges from 6-10 depending on client, risks, etc.

  19. Network architect. A 6, 7 at a push.

    The actual work I need to do, I can do in a few hours pretty easily.

    Most of my day to day is typical of modern IT. Loads of meetings where people talk about work (instead of doing it).

    Those 3/4 points are me no longer giving a shit. I go along with it and kick the arse out of it like the rest of them.

  20. Contract software developer.

    Some days it’s a 10, nothing else matters.

    Other days it’s well below 5, I’ll stay in bed for morning standup (teams) then snooze for a bit and then spend the afternoon picking off bugs while watching Netflix.

  21. Work in an ARC (alarm receiving centre) monitoring CCTV all over the country and dealing with medical alert calls, intruder and fire alarms. quite intense so about a 9

  22. charity admin, 6 – nice easy job could easy doss about but i love the company and how they treat us so I do put a lot effort in

  23. Emergency services control room, have to try and keep a 9 or 10, which is challenging to stay on it when a big percentage of what comes in is nonsense, but you have to be on your toes and ready for the proper stuff.

  24. Social Care Assessor, think social worker role, but less qualified- working with adults – would say8/9.

  25. Project Manager. Probably 6-7 most days, 9 when something is vital, and 1 on Friday afternoons 🤣

  26. I’m a deck officer. I take it serious enough that nobody will die but barring that I try not to take it too serious. Maybe a 6-7?

  27. IT support. Depends on who has asked me to do the thing and what the thing is that needs doing.

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