During the talking phases I can’t help but be friendly (being so formal and professional it feels like an interview) as in there’s no flirting at all (from both parties) and overtime I start to lose interest because it feels like I’m just developing a friendship. How Do I introduce a bit of flirting here and there to keep things “spicy” and to create sexual tension for when we do meet
in person without coming off as creepy or just wanting to fuck?

For context I am looking for a LTR, I have little to no experience in dating, I don’t want to come across as a creep that is horny and just looking for a ONS/FWB.

TLDR: How to flirt during talking stage but not come off as a creep or someone who’s looking for a hookup.

1 comment
  1. Be clever, make off-handed comments that could be perceived as sexually charged but equally could be interpreted as simple banter with Zero sexual connotations, keep them guessing, keep it interesting. You obviously want to develop some sort of connection emotionally but the friend zone can be a dangerous thing. I would certainly at least tangentially hint at your intentions through playful, clever comments designed to both win them over, but also to get them to think of you in “that light” without making too forward of an approach. Wish you the best of luck OP! 🙏🏼

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