Men, what’s the worst that could happen?

  1. That your current relationship will either be the greatest moment of your life or it’s going to be the biggest heartbreak.

  2. Your starting point guard misses a wide open dunk in the playoffs, refuses to play next season and gets his trade request indulged after a prolonged standoff with the front office. I’ll never forgive Ben Simmons

  3. Could be taken captive by serial killer and slowly tortured to death over several years.

  4. Nah, I’m gonna pass this thread, I thought you guys would go with stepping on a lego or something, but this shit’s too real

  5. Death. Destruction. Panic and flames. a phone call from your ex. Telling a joke and no one laughing.

  6. Turn this question around.

    Horror is the anticipation of something bad. Don’t live a life filled with horror. Find good stuff in this world and chase the best dreams.

    Then you will realise that most things you need not fear because they don’t control your thoughts. (Except for the guy wearing the hockey mask).

  7. Becoming completely paralyzed. Being able to only reflect on the things that I can no longer do and only looking forward to death is the ultimate torture in my eyes.

  8. Some rich asshat could catch you while you’re burglarizing his place, and tell the cops you also stole the ring you’re wearing (that you got from your girl) so he could steal it from you.

  9. Constantly dying without being allowed to die. Being steamrollered, blown apart as you still feel the pain in your now detached body parts, feeling the pain of being digested by massive creatures, cut in half by a train, all of that and more, but still knowing no matter what happens, what new torture you endure, you live on, you cannot die, and the madness that comes from having to live on, even after the earth has crumbled and faded and the sun dies… you still live on, even though time has wrecked your body to where you’re nothing more than a sentient doll.

  10. Dementia, paralysis, dog bit off testicles, snake got inside asshole while shitting in the camping trip, there are too many

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