Even though I’m not at all submissive, I’m considering it. What are the pros/cons? Reasons for and against? Upside/downside? I know which way I’m leaning, but I’d like to get other points of view. Perhaps you can bring up something important I haven’t thought of.


  1. I think you should try it. You can always decide later its not for you. On the other hand it may be the best thing you’ve ever done.

  2. You should try it out and really give it a shot. If it’s not what you like you will quickly notice and it won’t feel genuine for anyone. So don’t just do it because someone wants you to, but really do it because you want to

  3. Do you like her? Trust her? Feel like you’d enjoy exploring sexual things with her? If so, then there’s no reason not to learn a little about femdom with elements of bondage, service or masochism etc. There are many flavours to explore. Discuss with her the things you’d be willing to try and set some boundaries and limits to the play.

  4. Try it, and see if you like it. Just because you like it once doesn’t mean you’re committed to liking it all the time.

    Think of it as trying out a new restaurant in town. Maybe it’ll be good and you’ll return often, or maybe it won’t suit you and that’ll be that. Either way, you won’t know until you’ve tried it.

  5. Yes, you can learn to be a better dominant by taking a submissive role or maybe you will like the submissive role and open many possibilities for yourself. Either way you decide to go after your new experience you will learn what you like or dislike for future relationships.

  6. I’d say give it a go there’s no harm in it. I personally am a dominant woman but I’m also a lesbian so that might have something to do with it. I’d say give it a go you might enjoy it.

  7. Absolutely go for it, it’s just roll play, it doesn’t have to extend beyond sex. My wife is submissive during sex, but we have a very equal relationship otherwise.

  8. Well, one of the first things my friend I’m going to be submissive to said to me this morning while we were chatting was that she had seen this post. Gulp!

    I could tell she liked the fact that I was asking you guys about it, because this was her reaction: “Damn you. I can already tell that your post about being sexually submissive to me and the comments are going to make me wet as I read them throughout the day…”

    To my friend, who I know is going to read this at some point today, I am so fucking excited about this. I can’t wait for it to happen. It’s going to be new to me, and it will probably feel unnatural at first, but my desire to be submissive to you and do anything you ask of me is growing with each passing day. I wouldn’t have said those words to you a week ago. If you sensed any tentativeness from me in the past, it’s gone now. I’m not ready to admit it yet, but my reasons for doing this have begun to shift. It’s becoming less about wanting to do it solely for your pleasure, and more about an awakening desire within me to truly want to be submissive to you. I’m beginning to understand how I’m going to get pleasure out of this too, and that makes me want it more than ever!

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