Women of Reddit, in what ways does your pet(s) enrich your life?

  1. My dog gets me out the door and helps me enjoy the outdoors and appreciate nature and get exercise. She helps me make the most of time when I’m not working. She also helps me to feel loved and cheers me up when I’m feeling down. She makes me laugh and I adore her sweet and unique character. I sometimes think that looking after another living creature can help us be better at looking after ourselves too.

  2. My cats bring me joy every single day, even if I’m in a really bad place mentally.

    They don’t get me outside as much as my dog did, but they do get me outside in the warmer weather as we like to lounge in the garden together and take in the sun. Tgey both like to sniff around the flowers and watch the bees/birds/etc, which is calming to watch and helps me to slow down.

    Can’t forget about the nighttime snuggles, either! One of our cats switches off sleep next to my partner and me. His purring puts me to sleep 🙂

  3. As someone who’s an autistic ADHDer with CPTSD and bipolar disorder and recovering from drug addiction my dog has changed my life. Suicide and relapse hasn’t been on the map since she came – she needs me. She forces me to have routines, go out and meet people (I used to isolate when things got bad) which makes my depressions shorter and milder as they don’t go as far. I always have someone there, I’m never alone, and when I have trauma nightmares she wakes me up and cuddles me until the anxiety goes away. She brings me toys and licks my tears away when I’m sad, sick or anxious. She makes me smile and laugh at a daily basis. I always feel loved. She has made me realise I CAN do good as I’m a good mommy to her.

    People close to me have been surprised by how much I’ve changed to the better since she came to me (she’s my first dog), a little less than a year ago. She’s made so much progress too – understandably anxious, nervous and restless when she first came as a 1,5 year old rescue… She’s now confident, pretty much constantly happy, listens to me, feels completely safe around me, can stay home alone without feeling anxious (she pretty much just sleeps until I’m back). We’ve grown together and that somehow makes it more special. We both “belong”. And belonging is so very important.

  4. my dog helps me feel not so lonely, I don’t have any family or friends so having him around is nice. I enjoy his company.

  5. My cat is funny. Her personality keeps me laughing. She also keeps me warm in bed. She is part of our family. Keeping us all company when home alone.

  6. I’m a first time dog mom to a last hope shelter pup. He’s barely over a year old and this was the best decision I’ve made in like…years. He keeps me motivated and out of the house. He makes me come out of my shell and shows me unending love when I’m having a rough time. I struggle with some depression and anxiety, so he is honestly the reason I keep going some days. The day I met him at the shelter changed me & my resolve to not have a pet. I’m not allowed to wallow too long anymore and I’m putting my happiness into focus so I can give him a good life. It feels good. Plus he’s adorably pitiful and goofy, but the little turd can be exceptionally smart when he wants to be. He’s my sweet boy. 🥰

    Please adopt if you can, there’s so many sweet ones out there who will change your life and you’ll be saving theirs!

  7. She makes me feel less anxious, I let her sleep in my room at night and it honestly helps me feel less paranoid and I can actually sleep. Although she’s a small dog I feel alot safer with her around.

  8. My cat is the only reason I didn’t kill myself. She is the sweetest thing but she is so dependent on ME that she will not let anyone else feed her. If they try she knocks her dish over and refuses to eat. She once stopped eating for 5 days because I was hospitalized. So I couldn’t kill myself because it would kill her and I love her too much. I’m now more mentally stable thanks to her.

  9. My cat has helped me deal with a shit ton of stress, anxiety, and grief over the last 2 months. She is newly adopted, but she has already made a huge impact on my well being.

    My previous cat and I were extremely bonded, and when she died, I was devastated. Along with a bunch of other crappy stuff that happened all around the same time, I was a big mess.

    Having a new cat has been bittersweet, as I can’t help but compare her to my late one. But it has been a lot of fun getting to know her and forming a bond with her, too. She is really funny and sweet, and she has helped me to heal and move on from all the pain of the past. I’m so thankful that she fits into my family so well.

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