This chick (29F) and I (28M) were talking for just a few weeks and kind of fizzled out. In that time, we went very quick with things although she told me she wanted to take her time early on. She told me she wanted to take her time, but we did have sex within just a couple days of hanging out for the first time. The sex was good, but our first time she almost left in tears bc I didn’t bust and I had to assure her it was not bc of her. The next time I did and she was delighted. Long story short, our texting and talking kind of slowed down to the point where she was taking days to respond and plans to hangout seemed less and less important to her. We were still just getting to know each other, but I figured now is not the right time for her for anything serious, although I liked her enough to exclusively date her. I was a little surprised and heart broken bc I did genuinely think I could love her, but it is too soon to say for sure.
Anyways, now she messages me at like midnight in a weekday simply asking if “I’m up” I say yes almost immediately but she never responds. A couple days later I tell her if she wants to meet up this weekend, I’m free. She tells me Sunday. Sunday comes and she never answers. Should I just give up? I know she is troubled by many things–and I’m trying to show her that I haven’t given up on her by responding but it is beginning to occupy too much of my energy and attention

1 comment
  1. I think you should give up if its occupying your attention because you are clearly not on her mind… so why should she be on yours? You can tell when someone really likes you by their eagerness to be around you. That’s not her.

    Also unless there’s a good reason for the change in texting habits (she’s been overworked, or some personal issue came up), it’s a sign. Fizzling out means I’m no longer as interested. Don’t let her string you along with those breadcrumb texts. Sorry that you liked her this much. It sucks, I’ve been in your shoes plenty of times and I know the warning signs now.

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