What sport do you wish you grew up playing? Or at least tried it out?

  1. Basketball, soccer, football..instead i grew up playing badminton which no one cares about

  2. Tennis. The game is easy to pick up and learn, very hard to master and if you can go pro, traveling the world is built into the sport.

  3. None really, I was an active kid whose parents both worked so they signed me up for a million after school and summer sports and sports camps. But I do wish I had learned to play an instrument. It’s on my adult To Do list.

  4. I grew up in a very small town and sports were a really big deal – there wasn’t a whole lot else to do, so I pretty played everything I wanted to. Maybe soccer, it wasn’t played at my school.

  5. Fencing.

    I don’t really like sports

    The only one I really appreciate is football and I’m against the idea of ramming into strangers

    Tbh football should maybe be banned. Broken body parts and CONCUSSIONs shouldn’t be a part of a hobby

    Everyone’s cheering as these men developed permanent brain damage

  6. Hockey

    And wrestling/mma…I trained for a few years when I was in my early 20s but I wished I had years of experience doing that earlier as a kid

  7. Hockey and speed skating seem fun. But in spite of growing up in Wisconsin, I can barely ice skate. Granted, had I done either, I might not have played basketball which is definitely my most natural sport. I played all the way through juco.

    EDIT: Also, does pro wrestling count as a sport? Because I definitely regret not going to a pro wrestling camp when I had the chance lol

  8. Competitive shooting, if that is what it is called. When I was a young teen I was in the Boy Scouts. There was a large summer camp or “Jamboree” as it was called where there were numerous merit badges or competitions we could participate in. I decided to check out the Rifle Shooting merit badge. I completed it and there was also a marksman competition where anyone could participate whether you had the forementioned merit badge or not. I ended up winning the competition, which to this day I am proud of. My Scoutmaster told my parents I should seriously consider shooting on a competitive level. Unfortunately my parents were and still are very anti firearm. I was really bummed out because I had a lot of fun learning how to shoot and I’ve always had an interest in firearms. I could have probably found a way to practice without actually getting my parents to purchase a rifle, but as a young teen I didn’t know how to communicate my want.

  9. Motorsports.

    I’m into racing now, but you can definitely tell the difference between the riders who started in diapers vs the riders who started in their 20s like I did.

    My family couldn’t afford it and I don’t blame them, but i still wish I had that opportunity as a kid.

  10. Pro wrestling if you can call it a sport.

    I really liked it as a child/teen and had dreams of being one but I found out that the injuries are very real (despite most the fighting is fake. Keyword MOST. Some wrestlers actually do punch and kick one another for real which in wresting terms is called “Being stiff”) and it scared me to no longer pursue it.

    I thought because its fake. I’ll be okay. I thought wrong. Undertaker who did it for 30 years can’t even walk right and has surgeries on nearly every part of his body. The actual risks scared me

  11. Hockey is about the only one I didn’t play. We didn’t have a team so it was never really an option, plus I was already busy with football then right into basketball, so there was no room for adding it in.

    I think I would have liked it though.

  12. I wish I’d learned to pole vault as I was fast and strong and think I’d have gotten good at it, but I always played soccer during track and field season in high school.

  13. Any of the normal American sports. I grew up doing wrestling and judo because my dad and my grandpa did those sports and wasn’t allowed to do anything else.

  14. I wish I tried wrestling. My home state was a basketball state and those two seasons were at the same time. I rode the bench mostly, but if I had wrestled I would have been in great shape, and participated.

  15. I probably could have at least started at QB in college. When I was a kid, I used to throw a football around to run after and catch for fun. Not many kids in my area back then, so I had a lot of free time to practice. The problem was my dad worked a lot, and my mom is an alcoholic (been sober for many years now at least), so I didn’t have anyone to drive me to practices and my mom didn’t want me to get hurt anyway. Jokes on her, because my left heel is fucked to where I haven’t been able to run on it for 5 years now and I never got to play competitive sports at any level.

    I used to be able to throw a perfect, hard spiral without even trying when I was in middle school, but by the time I got to high school it just never was a possibility for me to see if I could have made it. The QB my school had sucked too, so I likely could have won the job for sure. lol

  16. I’m very good at running as an adult. I could’ve been a good cross country athlete in high school and college.

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