As the title suggests I’m quite introverted and find it difficult breaking the ice with women. I’m quite confident throughout the rest of the conversation but it’s the initial step I stuggle with.

I’ll be shortly moving to a new country for studies (originally from a third world nation) so I guess socializing is gonna be an important of my life there. I can approach other guys without breaking sweat. What could be possible conversation starters for the ladies if I just wanna get to know them (and have no intentions of hook-ups) and maybe be friends in the future??

1 comment
  1. The only reason you are nervous around women is because you want a specific outcome from them. An outcome such as them liking you. You have no such concern with men and therefore your stakes for socializing with men are very low. With women, the stakes are high hence why you have anxiety.

    So stop wanting anything specific from women, stop trying to get a specific outcome. Stop caring for it and your anxiety will go away.

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