When have you ever seen or heard of women catcalling men? (Serious replies)

  1. In my actual real life in a public setting yelling unsolicited things at strangers? Never.

    At dance performances where the audience was expected and encouraged to hoot and holler in appreciation/support of the dancers regardless of gender? Multiple occasions.

  2. I got “the whistle” from my new next door neighbor while going to the mailbox! She didn’t know I was married!

  3. Saw a group of woman early to mid 20s sitting on a patio at table in the outside section of the restaurant. A man probably in his early 20s walker by well dressed clearly a little shy. They starter yelling at him things like cute ass , come over here I want a suck you off ect. He put his head down and walk away. Truthfully they thought more funny then anything clearly. I was in high school at the time when I saw this.

  4. I’ve seen a couple times where a woman has “woohoo’d” out the car window at an attractive man running shirtless, and been at a pool where a male friend of mine got some wolf whistles when he stripped to jump in.

  5. A few times yeah, when men are jogging, I think I did it as a teenager when in a group of teenage girls.

  6. Never strangers. I’ve seen women catcalling their husbands or boyfriends, but I’ve never seen a woman catcall a stranger.

  7. I was on a city canal barge on someone’s hen-do, en route back from an organised picnic and the noisy group who had mostly met through amateur dramatics (and were not single), called out to a man who was jogging. They weren’t bawdy but I was still uncomfortable at their shrieking.

    Another time at work, several nursing colleagues made up reasons to go and surreptitiously gawp at a male agency theatre nurse after one of the women said he was good-looking. He was a young man (20s) and the women were 45+. I pointed out if it had been men doing similar to a young woman, they’d have a different stance = unprofessional and creepy.

  8. I did it with a few classmates as a part of a social experiment back in my university days.

  9. One time a hospital elevator I made small talk with a delightful lady around my age-40s. As we were walking out the doors she said “oh that man is something “. As we walked by said man, she yelled “you are GORGEOUS!!!”

  10. When I worked retail, a handful of times.

    It was a store in which I’d usually need to lift heavy items into cars/vans etc. It would near always be older women who were with at least one other friend, where it would seem to be *banter*. ‘Strong sexy young man’ ‘Can you come home with us too?’ that kinda stuff.

    The ‘furthest’ I can remember it ever got, was when this one (I’d have been 22ish) older lady (50s) whistled at me and rubbed me from shoulder to lower back, and said she’d love me in her hot tub.

  11. Men in kilts. I can guarantee you that all have been catcalled by very drunk women but many have been assaulted by women trying to lift their kilts.

  12. my partner gets harassed like women like crazy when he goes out. women will holler at him, grab his junk, try and pull his clothes off, and get super nasty when he rejects them. it’s insane. if the gender roles were reversed, onlookers would be kicking the life out of them for the stuff they do to him. he’s 6’2”ish and attractive but i feel like there are a lot of women who don’t think consent rules apply to them

  13. I catcall my husband whenever I see him in public before he sees me. His face gets all red but I think he secretly likes it. Not sure if that counts?

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