Hey there. Current 17 year old and I just needed some help because this has been on my mind and I feel like I’ll never get over it and I just need some advice. I’m in a one year relationship and it’s nice. We love each other and everything but we haven’t had sex for the one year we’ve been together. I tried once but I couldn’t get hard. Ever since then I never tried again. I guess because I’m embarrassed because it’s happened before when I had lost my virginity to another woman (I didn’t love her it was just a one time thing. I did good for a bit but after a while I just couldn’t get hard). She wants sex but I try to avoid the topic because I’m embarrassed and often scared I won’t get hard like before. I won’t be afraid to admit it. Regardless, I just need some help. I feel terrible not satisfying her needs. I just need help man, I can’t not have sex. I just feel weird about it. Anything would help, thanks.

  1. Do you watch porn and masturbate? If you’re watching a lot, could be affecting erection quality

  2. You likely have performance anxiety. The way round this is explaining it to her. Perhaps get her to just work on getting you hard with no expectation of sex. So she gives you oral etc. You can do the same for her and both get comfortable being naked together without the pressure of climax or performance.

    The issue here is your communication with her. Good luck buddy (and please use a condom).

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