Hi All. I am 34 years old. I don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol not even wine on top of that I am Vegetarian. I don’t go to pubs/party Do you think woman find me boring? I having job which pays well that’s only thing positive about me and I think sometimes I focused on my carrier too much..

  1. Maybe it’s a lack of confidence? Hard to tell since I know NOTHING about you as a person. But it seems like you have your priorities straight and are a stable adult. Maybe let loose and have a drink from time to time, maybe put yourself out there more, but only if you feel comfortable.

    Work out, care about your appearance, shower and shave, and get haircuts to make yourself look good. A good person will find you. Take care of yourself. Find a hobby, got to comicon, or star trek festivals (or whatever you’re into). You don’t have to party to be fun mate.

  2. people will judge you as boring or not by how they feel in your company

    plenty of boring people smoke, drink and go to pubs haha

    and plenty of interesting people don’t

  3. Honestly, this does sound really boring, primarily because there is not a word in this post about any hobbies or interests, so much about what you don’t do and nothing about what you do. And everything is presented in a negative light. Don’t smoke? Great, for many It’s a requirement for a potential partner. Don’t drink? That’s situational, some won’t mind, some will. Vegetarian? You can still be a vegetarian and a foodie, there are so many good vegetarian options that people don’t know about and discovering them together can be really fun. It’s all about how you present yourself and what you actually do want to do, not about your limitations.

  4. Gotta have fun hobbies and be fun to hang out with. Idk anything about you but if you’re not fun to be around then you’re probably boring women

  5. It’s pretty boring if all you talk about is what you ‘don’t’ do. How about what you DO do? Like travel? Collect cool things? If you partake in exercise? You have a job that pays well, you must have lots of interesting hobbies.

  6. Do you, like… do anything else?

    Like, if you met a woman who introduced herself by saying “Hi, I’m Mary, I’m not much of a party girl and I work an awful lot, nice to meet you!”, you’d probably think she’s boring.

    If you met a woman who said “Hi, I’m Mary, I’m a full time therapist and I love getting to help people every day. I look after my little sister on weekends, she’s adorable and it makes me think about how good of a mother I want to be some day. But my true passions in life are INTERPRETIVE DANCE and MONGOLIAN THROAT-SINGING!!!”… you’re gonna wanna know more.

    You aren’t your diet. You aren’t your drinking habits. You aren’t your job (to a point). You are a person. And when you reduce yourself to a diet, a drinking habit, and a job… yeah, of COURSE you’re boring to women.

  7. >Do you think woman find me boring?

    Yes, women who do go out and party will find you boring. But i guess you are also not interested in those women. Look for women who are into your lifestyle, they will enjoy your similar values.

  8. Nothing you mentioned means you are inherently boring, but the way you wrote the post does come off as very boring.

    So yes, you might be boring to people, but it’s got to do with your personality rather than anything you do/don’t do.

  9. That’s what I am working on. It’s difficult and searching. Thanks for feedback.

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