so I (19f) drove 6 hours to spend time with my boyfriend (19m) for the week and since his mom was in the same state we drove 2 hours to see her (this is my first time meeting her) so today we went to this restaurant since she was hungry and the entire time she didn’t acknowledge my presence at all, it was like I wasn’t even there. she didn’t say a single word to me, not even thank you when I held the door for her. I felt awkward the entire time. I can’t say she doesn’t like me but that’s what it seems like or she has no interest in getting to know me. i’m not trying to say it’s a race thing but that’s what my intuition is telling me. (his mom is native american and his dad is vietnamese and i’m black) I know that I should talk to him about it but I don’t really feel comfortable with it because he is a mommas boy and the youngest out of 4 boys. I see a future with him but I don’t want it to be like this forever

  1. You’re both 19 and odds are good you won’t spend the rest of your life with each other so don’t worry about momma or momma’s boy. Just enjoy your life. You’re way too young to be worrying about the rest of your life.

  2. It was the first time you met her, i wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that it’ll always be like this.

    However if the situation repeats itself you should be open and talk about it with your partner, so he can help you navigate this situation or at least try to understand why she’s acting this way and what can be done about it in the long run.

  3. At the end of the day it’s yours and his relationship; not his mom’s. So whether it’s a race thing or something else if his mom has a problem with you it’s too bad but it’s only a big deal if you both make it one.

    He’s your boyfriend. You should be able to just ask “I don’t think your mom likes me. Did I do something to offend her?”

  4. If he’s a mama’s boy & his mom won’t acknowledge your presence, you don’t really have a future with this guy.

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