All my life I suffered with these fucking things. During basic training (ex military), I lost 30 lbs. in less than 2 months! I literally had no stomach, and my face was shriveled up to nothing. But guess what? the freakin’ love handles were still there. They were a bit smaller, but the shape didn’t change at all.

Well now I am turning 33- my body aches (a lot of it is also due to the wear and tear from military service), I can’t exercise like I used to but I try doing HIIT 10-15 minutes a day with a 20 minute lift session. The stomach ain’t going no where, the love handles aren’t either.

How did you guys get rid of them? Especially if your genetics and age play a factor?

EDIT: :Let me add- my diet is fairly good. Besides some of my pain, I workout almost daily. I just have always had a tough time with these love handles and I am wondering if anyone else has as well?

  1. I’m 35, and I’m the only person in my family who has never struggled with obesity. A few years ago, my weight started ballooning a little bit, though. I think I got up to a size 36 in pants. Once the 36s started getting a little tight, and I decided enough was enough. I made the decision that day to make a change in my lifestyle.

    …specifically, I refilled my adderall prescription. That was all I did.

    Haha, look, I do believe in good diet and exercise. But you do need to realize that a lot of the people you see in your day-to-day life are on drugs. Once you start paying attention to it, you realize most people are on some sort of drugs.

    Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Focalin… these are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States, and they’re speed. Half of them used to be diet pills.

    Idunno, I just feel it’s kind of attendant upon me to inform you, as a skinny middle aged guy, a lot of us are on speed.

  2. I have them as well. They are the very last things that leave.

    The areas your body burns fat first is genetic. Nothing you can do exclamation keep cutting til they are gone.

    Your body burns fat as a whole, not site specific according to anything you are doing.

    Just keep cutting weight with caloric deficit til you get there and then slowly add the calories back as you bulk back up

  3. Diet, those ultimately come down to diet. Exercise helps, and make em disappear faster but what your eating is the main reason.

  4. Maybe Try a combination of intermittent fasting and keto diet. Bicycle sit-ups are also good for the love handles.

  5. Switch to intermittent fasting. It isnt necessarily better for fat loss but it metabolizes excess skin in the process. If you are dealing with injuries then skip HIIT and do zone 2 cardio on a stationary bike. 4 x 45 min sessions a week will burn a ton of calories. Make sure you optimize your sleep and that you accurately are counting your calories. If you arent using a food scale you most likely arent.

  6. Keto & very low carb has worked well for me to lose weight fast. It is difficult to stick to.

    I also lost a lot of weight by a lot of cardio, weight lifting and strict diet, fasting some days. Keto is easier because I lost weight faster and without a ton of cardio

  7. As a competive bodybuilder the only way your love handles will go is when your less than 8 bodyfat. That being said all people are different and some people will lose them before others but generally it’s the last place to lose fat and first to gain

  8. If you are american, cut your portions! Our portion sizes are out of control, just like the enormous amounts of sugar in absolutely everything, so be conscious of that too. We slowly cut our portion sizes down and now when we go out, we leave behind almost half our meal because it’s simply too much food.

    Then a combo of cardio and weight training. Whether that be actually lifting weights or doing exercises that use your body and gravity as weights. Sit ups, push ups, lunges, etc

  9. Your body is genetically designed to store fat around the stomach as man. I don’t know if it it to maximize your center of balance for hunting.

  10. it’s all genetics. i’m like you, the very last place I lose fat is my love handles. looks like we just gotta get shredded!

  11. I have them too. 1.90cm Weigh 85 kg, still there.

    Donnu what to tell you. Get to zero % bodyfat and work out like an olympic athlete?

  12. Check out the body type diet. It gives a lot of good insight on how our glands affect what areas of the body we store fat in. For people like us with bigger love handles, it’s usually connected to sweets and caffeine. Good luck! (Full disclosure, I’m a woman)

  13. easy

    100 push ups
    100 sit ups
    100 squats
    and a 5 mile run

    do this everyday and those love handles will dissappear so fast

  14. In my country bigger belly for men over 30 is very common. It’s becouse many are in relationship/married at that age or just don’t care. Kinda funny if you consider most men here under 30 have good figures. I guess 30+ is that magical age lol.

    Fun fact : having belly while being married is even considered positive, since your wife is good cook lol.

  15. I get a lot of exercise on the weekends from processing firewood which is like a more dangerous version of cross fit because it involves chainsaws. But I also fast until at least 2pm most days mainly because im not a morning eater and it works for me.

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