I have been to germany and they are very open to nudity and expressing their sexuality.

Is it the same with UK as well?

  1. Compared to our northern European neighbours I would say we are a bit more reserved in that regard.

    I’ve known a few Scandinavians, Germans and Dutch people over the years and they’ve all been more open with those sort of things than my British friends.

  2. In my personal experience, no. Like another comment said, I know quite a few people from northern European countries who are much more open when it comes to sexuality, nudity etc.

  3. I would say they’re more blasé about sex and as for their nudist culture it’s simply considered a relaxing pastime.

    Having lived in both countries, we’re no strangers to bawdy humour but we’re certainly not utilitarian when it comes to prostitution and pornography.

    Some of the stuff I encountered in Germany was a bit weird, like a pornographic puppet show being advertised on a billboard in a residential area of Hamburg.

  4. I find the UK is pretty sexually liberated compared to a global average. But not as much as somewhere like Germany, which is probably the world leader.

  5. We’re British. We get self-conscious if you leave us alone in a room with just a potted plant.

  6. Nudity outside the home, almost like the US in that regard. Saunas without swimwear is a no-no in the UK, the norm in Germany.

    Nothing to do with sex though.

  7. No, we’ve imported quite a bit of US culture which I think has made things more prudish in recent years

  8. Brits are still quite childish and awkward about all things to do with sex and nudity. When my wife discovered she was pregnant, her first reaction was ” omg, my mum will know we’ve been having sex”. As a teenager, most sexual conquests were alcohol influenced.

    I visited a municipal swimming pool in Germany and the changing rooms were unisex, so I was unexpectedly treated to a troupe of naked pensioners. The sauna and steam room has a strict 100% nudity rule, with a coat rack outside for you to hang your Speedo on.

    Europeans are more direct than us about sex, particularly the French, Italians and Spanish. But Americans are so far the other way.

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