tl;dr: my friend and I talked every day until she got a boyfriend

Me and my best friend went to elementary and middle school together, though we ended up at different high schools, we saw each other now and then. Last November, we were on a community camping trip together, and we hit it off, we rekindled a relationship with a lot in common, and for the next few weeks we talked a lot. In the spring, we did a musical together, and grew even closer. She was easily my closest friend ever; I told her everything, and I was her closest guy friend. In May, she told me she was talking with a friend of mine; I didn’t know they knew each other. They went on a date, then another. Within the month they were boyfriend and girlfriend, the first romantic relationship for each of them. Quickly, our nightly conversations became weekly, and eventually monthly. Writing this in late October, my friend hasn’t texted or called me since August. I’ve texted her about once a week since she dropped off communication. She’s a hardcore student and she’s very busy with school and extracurriculars, but she seems to have plenty of time for her boyfriend. I saw her once in person, but due to the nature of the encounter, I couldn’t ask why she wouldn’t call me.

I just want my friend.

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