Have any of y’all had dental work done in Mexico?

  1. I would skip Mexico and fly to Costa Rica. I get my work done at Goodness Dental. I was skeptical at first about the whole process, did my research and picked a very well regarded practice in CR. The country is beautiful, the staff is top notch and the facility is beautiful. They even have a compound where you can stay, offer transportation, bend over backwards to make you feel comfortable. When you are at goodness dental you get to know and talk to other patients like yourself …. mostly getting extensive work done. Everyone seems extremely happy with their experience. Costa Rica is a highly evolved country with beautiful people, wonderful vibe, educated population. They disbanded their Army long ago and decided education and healthcare are better things to spend money on.

  2. My first trip to Costa Rica was to investigate. I stayed with a Canadian entrepreneur who seems to have 50 business is going, he was a real character. he took me to his special dentist, she seem like a very good woman, skilled, and operated a clinic in a ghetto. That was not what I had in mind. I’m sure he was going to take half of her bill because all invoices went through him. This was exactly what I did not want. I had a few places that I wanted to investigate on my own and decided goodness dental was exactly what my best case scenario looked liked in my mind. I was literally putting my life in their hands. I had a very good consultation/examination, they came up with a game plan and I flew back several months later to have the work done. Air hair and lodging was extremely inexpensive. I was under several hours and felt confident they were a state of the art facility. They have surgeons, anesthesiologists, root canal specialists, and wonderful dentists. My recovery was quick and infection free. I simply paid them with PayPal in person at their office before I started my treatment.

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