How would you/have you cope(d) after finding out post break-up that your significant other was lying?

  1. That depends who broke up with who. If I broke up with him, I did the right thing, no turning back. If he broke up with me, well, their new partner gets to deal with a liar.

    No point in dwelling in the past unless that lying caused other significant damages (financial, giving you an STI, etc) that needs to be dealt with.

  2. I’d be pissed off they lied to me and then think, well that’s why we ain’t together and i’m better off without.

  3. I stalked my ex on reddit where he bragged about how he didn’t love his ex (me) and he just needed to feel loved.

    I cried myself to sleep and started having really bad trust issues.

  4. Post break-up? Wouldn’t be surprised and also would not care. I’d go get tested for STDs though.

  5. Mine lied about so many things. She will always be a liar from everything I found out after we broke up. She’s going to always make her life miserable. My reaction at the time wasn’t good. But so many things were bad about that relationship so the lying was just another thing to throw onto the pile of crud.

  6. finding out actually got me out of the post-breakup rut lol. made me realize it was all bs and i wasn’t losing anything of value

  7. How would I FEEL? Justified. Vindicated. Like I made the right decision. Like my life was moving towards something better. It would serve as proof that it needed to happen.

    Coping with the end of a relationship is hard no matter the reason, but I’ve actually found it to be easier when I can point to something like a lie to remind myself why I’m better off.

  8. I was really passive aggressive to him which made him super flustered. It was hilarious. I didn’t care that we were over; I was pissed and I wanted him to know that I KNEW. This was over 15 years ago and I would never do that now but I still think it’s funny. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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