for context i’ve been single for 3 years, have been dating and hooking up with lots of people but only casually. out of everyone i’ve talked to in that time there hasn’t been any mutual connection that turned into an exclusive relationship.

lately i’m sick of casual sex and want to find something more long term. I’m seeing a guy and it’s going well, but after five dates/casual hangouts im getting cold feet about the whole situation…

I know that I don’t want another booty call, I guess now that it’s been five dates/almost a month it’s time for me to say something? he’s been consistent with making plans and texting me and he’s suggested fun date activities besides sex…I just don’t know when or how to set my intentions with him.

since I have been doing hookups and casual shit for so long, I feel like im going to scare him off or sound like I’m obsessed with him. I don’t want to become exclusive right away but I want him to know that i’m looking for something real and I don’t how to say that or how people my age even go about getting into real relationships… 🙁

TLDR, forgot how relationships work, am interested in pursuing one with a nice guy but don’t know what to say without scaring him?

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