Several readers in another thread wrote that they would appreciate a weekly thread asking readers to comment on what they are grateful for.

# So, what are you grateful for today?

Studies have shown that people who record things they’re grateful for on a regular basis become happier.

Below are some articles to help you get started.

**Be warned**

* these threads are being done on a trial basis, they may go away after a few weeks
* [site rules]( apply to these threads
* AskMenOver30 [rules]( apply to these threads
* these threads are not the place to vent about your problems. Open a new thread and flair it appropriately. Non-compliance will lead to being banned.

# Articles About Gratitude:

* [UC Davis: Gratitude is good medicine](
* [The Power Of Thankfulness](
* [Four Science Backed Benefits Of Gratitude](
* [Four Research Based Gratitude Strategies](

  1. Massive reorganization at work this week resulting in dozens of layoffs. Grateful that my team, and my job, made it out OK. Grateful for friends to reach out to during uncertain and stressful times like this last week.

  2. I bought an AirTag and a steering wheel lock for my car to prevent it from being stolen again, and so far they seem to be working well. The steering wheel lock company will also apparently reimburse me $2,000 if the car gets stolen with it on.

    Also, this old run down car that has been taking up parking space on the street all summer seems to have finally gotten towed or something, and I parked in its spot tonight. Very happy about that.

  3. Grateful that, even though we didn’t talk much over the last couple of years, one friend came to assist me in my moving day.

  4. I’m grateful for my health and the ability to better myself for the utility of those around me.

  5. I’m grateful to be home, even if just for a few days.

    My wife’s mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and we’ve been living out of a hotel room for the past 45 days so we can be near her, take her to her appointments, etc. I like traveling as much as the next guy, and have traveled for up to 3 weeks straight for work before… but 45 days working remote out of a hotel room only broken up by stints in the hospital has been a lot rougher on me than I thought it would be.

    But we’re home for a little while… and I got to play golf with my best friend for the first time in months today. Our little poodle has done nothing but wallow and nap in her favorite spot. The wife is smiling more.

    It was a good day.

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