Hi, everyone. I’m in my last year of high school and I’ve recently had my first ever “going out” with a guy ever. I’m 18 and so is he and I’ve known him for about a year, until I slowly built up the courage to actually text him and chat with him for the first time on instagram.

The way the story begins is that, at the end of the school year before this one, I waited for him just outside the school’s gates, approached him and complimented his hair and outfit. He told me he appreciated it and we exchanged instagrams, as he asked me to, even though he never texted me.

Fast forward a few months, the current school year begins and I start seeing him around the hallways and such, clearly realising I haven’t let go of those butterflies for him. So I decide, a month into the school year, to text him on instagram, since our paths never seemed to successfully cross at school.

He responded nicely, we chatted for a few days, he seemed friendly and like he wanted to talk, even though he has this thing where he responds super late always. It was alright though, he was asking questions and so was I, about school, about some of our preferences. I decided to ask him to go out (did not specify if it was a date or not, since I was too embarrassed and scared to even ask him)

We went out and it was super nice, imo. We walked in the park, again, never mentioned it was a date. When he spotted me, he came over and smiled then randomly hugged me, which i did NOT expect (seeing as we shook hands the first time we ever spoke lol). I was super thrilled, I thought that maybe he did like me too. He didn’t really compliment anything about me or even looked at me much during the whole walking in the park, even though I did say one or two nice things to him, because I admire him and I genuinely liked spending time with him.

After the date, he never texted that evening/night to ask if I enjoyed it, and I tried to play it cool, since I already felt like I initiated too many things, so I thought I’d let him talk to me first too (we said he’d be the one next asking or suggesting what we should do for our next going out). well, technically, he never mentioned it was an actual date, so I’m not really sure if he actually likes me or just went out with me for the sake of it. But then again, why would he hug me twice, once when we met and once when he left, if he did not like me?

He never texted the day after too, until I did, a few days after the walk. He replied super late, he never asked me back about how my day was, or at least not after like 3 hours passed and then he stopped replying. Today I texted him “hello” while we were at school and he never even opened the message, even though I saw he was online. I feel really sad about this, because I genuinely enjoyed his company and I wonder what went wrong.

For a little bit more context, he is a very socially awkward guy, he admitted that himself, he only has a few close friends and he is a pretty average guy, so it’s not like I am chasing some super popular guy. I have no idea what attracted me to him because, to be honest, he is really just a normal dude, but I guess I just found him interesting and developed some feelings for him.

And about me, I’m a really, really anxious person and I put a lot of my time and feelings into things and, to be completely honest, I have been struggling so much with this problem and I really just wanted to get it off my chest. I’m not some super popular girl either, but I do think of myself as an approachable person. I don’t know who is going to have the patience to read all of this, but thank you to whoever does.

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