So, my real life dating never worked since i got a physical disability and it’s severe that it makes me look very small, alien and focal point of all the eye stares.
then someone suggested me to try online dating platforms.
There i met a girl whom i like very much. We have met several times and had drinks together, but she had it cleared from the beginning that I shouldn’t expect anything from her. She only wants to be a friend. Since i had never met any girl in this kind of setup so i agreed, and we started meeting. And now we are very good friends.
But now the problem is how do i tell her that i have feelings for her. She never say no to my plans,, she’ll make any adjustments to make sure that we meet and talk. It could be a sign of great friendship with trust or maybe the similar feelings i carry. But i am scared to share those feelings. I feel like i would loose such an amazing friend if i do so or maybe i will find the love of my life; I don’t know.
What should i do?
What would you do if you were in my shoes?

  1. She already told you she only wants to be friends, has anything happened since she told you this that makes you think that changed?

  2. She says she only wants to be a friend. Respect her decision.

    Like pandora’s box – once you tell her your feelings, you can’t then just go back to being ‘friends’ afterwards. You could potentially ruin this arrangement, so you have to decide if the sacrifice is worth it. My advice would be to just continue on and see if she hints at wanting more.

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