how will you make that happen?

  1. Prioritize and save for travel, thats kind of the only way to really do it.

    Otherwise, you never know the places life may take you. I’ve been to a wedding in Mexico because a friend of mines husband is Mexican. My wife has a job that moves you around so I’ve lived for a few years in the Middle East and will spend the next couple years living in Europe.

    If you’d asked me prior to meeting her I’d never thought I’d live abroad. Life has a way of throwing weird curve balls to you if you allow yourself to be open to them

  2. I only have 5 more in the list…. Peru, Chile, Japan, Korea and England.


    Yeah I can do it, i could do it and go into debt… but no.

  3. Been to about 25-27 I think, but want to also go to South America and Caribbean in the next 10 years

  4. Germany (done)

    Britain (done)

    France (done)

    Switzerland (done)

    Ireland (not done)

    Scotland (not done)

    I plan to make the rest of you pay for my adventure to Scotland and Ireland shouldn’t be too hard.

  5. I’m near 70…retired and have out lived my spouse.
    In my lifetime I have relocated close to 2 dozen times

    I’m done traveling

  6. Man I just want to move to Canada and escape this country

    Part of me likes how ratchet America is, another part of me kinda just wants to chill with some more laid back population.

    Y’all remember Honey Boo Boo Child?

    Idk why so many people hated on that show, that’s basically American in a nutshell

    We might as well put that little girl on our money. Just keep it real with folks

    Y’all seen the movie Idiocracy?

    I feel like most Americans low-key would love that kinda future, their just afraid to admit it. I’m ngl, I could enjoy living in that world.

  7. There’s a couples I’d like to see but right now my main goals would be to set myself up securely for the future so I’m not super focused on travel just yet.

  8. I don’t care if I never travel to any new ones lol, travel is so incredibly overrated

  9. I always loved the idea of Canada, but I hate the cold, so living there? Probably not, but I have yet to meet an obnoxious and/rude Canadian.
    Uruguay is another destination I’d love to visit, just to see whether I’d live there, and the same goes for Guadeloupe.
    Are these realistic goals, or aspirations? No, unfortunately not any more.

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