My grandmother is in the hospital and it’s likely that shes’s going to die soon. When my mother gives me updates, I can’t think of anything to say so I just nod my head and stay silent. I worried that when she passes, my mother will become all upset and emotional. What sort of things can I say to her so I can be supportive and how should I behave at and after the funeral?

  1. Lost my brother last year and my grandpa is in hospital atm very sick. There really isn’t anything you can say to make it better and it feels extremely awkward to talk about. I’d recommend lots of hugs and just let your mom know that you love her and are there for her even if you don’t have much to say. Something that helped my family was talking about the good times we had with that person and funny memories. I know it may feel taboo to talk about once she’s dead but i promise holding it in won’t make it any better.

  2. I never have the right words, but I will say that it’s even more important to be there. That means more than any words you could ever speak.

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