I’ve always been interested in Alaska, and I know they seem to have a ton of brown/grizzly bears up there. So I’m wondering just how common to see those are up there. Kentucky has a ton of dangerous snakes but thankfully haven’t encountered any venomous ones.

  1. Florida – Crocodiles, sharks, man o’ war
    Louisiana – alligators and water moccasins

  2. The white tailed deer and the deer tick. About 50,000 vehicles collide with deer annually here, ticks spread Lyme disease.

    Your odds of being attacked by the black bears or cougars we have are so small I’d hardly consider them “dangerous”. We have black widows and brown recluse too, but bites are also rare.

  3. Deer

    A lot of people hit them in their cars.

    The deer tick is a bad one too as it carries lyme disease.

  4. You’d probably think like a black widow, brown recluse, or venomous snake, although there aren’t many in Iowa, but if you were to look at the numbers of deaths caused it would probably be deer or maybe ticks.

  5. In Florida? Alligators.

    Or more specifically, Alligators near tourist areas.

    Alligators off in the wild typically want nothing to do with you, and aren’t dangerous at all. They’ll either completely ignore you, or run like fuck if they see you.

    But alligators near tourist areas are legit dangerous. Idiot tourists often think it’s fun to toss food to the alligators, and that’s straight irresponsible. Gators aren’t smart animals, so if humans keep giving them food their tiny alligator brains come to a conclusion like “humans are a food source, so what if I go straight to the source and eat the human directly?”

    Quite a lot of people end up getting mauled by alligators here every year. But only in areas where tourists think it would be fun to toss the gators their half-eaten burger. The gators in those area are legit scary, and you need to stay far clear of them.

  6. I saw a black panther, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. Big ass black cat. SC-NC border

  7. Moose or black bear, moose is probably the more dangerous. Black bears tend to just run away. Though you can get ones that get acclimated to humans but it’s very rare, vanishingly rare anyone is killed by a black bear around here.

    Also ticks carrying Lyme Disease, fuck those evil little buggers.

  8. Florida here.Technically, mosquitoes. But what I think you mean is the following. So, alligators (at this point I’ve seen hundreds of them) water moccasins, rattle snakes, barracuda, a few reef sharks, and exactly 1 8 to 9 foot long lemon shark.

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