**tl;dr**: GF has poor body image and self esteem. Nothing I do helps. Trying to figure out what I can do to help her out

– To start off with, I am physically attracted to her, as well as emotionally and spiritually. She is attractive, yet on the petite side.

– Shes never been a ‘sexy’ girl or one to dress typically sexy. Shes always just worn what she finds comfortable, nothing revealing, nothing too over the top, but shes also not wearing amish skirts covering her ankles either. Very middle of the road. She never exhibits her ‘sexy side’, or displays her projects her attractions to me. Instead she will just say ‘im feeling this wine’ or ‘i think im horny’. She wont really talk about what she wants to do or fantasies or anything like that, and rarely will initiate things. Whereas me on the other hand, I am outspoken and say things as they are created in my brain. If im horny I will say ‘Hey you look really good, I love that outfit on you, I want to kiss you so come over here’ and then show her through physical touch and words that I want her and want to go into the bedroom with her. This is just to tell you guys how reserved she can be. This is something i’ve known about since the very beginning and accepted it.

– I have tried to help her with her self-confidence issues, body image, self esteem, all of that with no improvement. I give her sweet little compliments throughout the day, tell her what I want to do with her, tell her sweet things, be intimate and vulnerable, share my innermost thoughts and feelings, and overcome my own self esteem issues with her. I have tried giving her compliments about her outfits, makeup, hair, gone shopping with her, etc. I dont discuss other peoples bodies in front of her unless she really points it out first, and even then im very even leveled with the observations. Its not like she gets jealous, but rather insecure sometimes if, for example, saw a woman with big full lips, she would probably be self conscious of her own lips. I have suggested just exercising for the dopamine and to feel good but she hates exercise, hates working out, and spends most of her day either working or in bed (she works night shift).

– We have had conversations about our body images before, and she has told me she doesnt like features like her lips, skin, breasts, etc. I asked her what would make her happy about her own body or feel more comfortable, and ‘nothing’ was the answer. She does sometimes mention how she would like lip filler and botox, to which I said its her own body, do what makes you happy, still love her either way, but shes never went ahead with it.

– So lately its been affecting our intimacy, it feels stale and forced by me, and I really dont feel the same desire back. And I know its not intentional by her, which is the most frustrating part as I know if she felt more confident she would be open and happy but HOW to get her there is the million dollar question.

  1. Maybe you can get her a makeover – someone professional to style her from head to toe into someone she generally feel jealous for. Then maybe she’ll see herself in a new light.

    the problem with this though – you have to be sure that the professionals are really good and you + they have the absolute correct image that your gf wants to be else it can backfire if she dressed up but looks like she’s pretending to be someone’s she’s not.

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