Hey guys, here’s my interested situation. I’m currently married (24m/43f), been married for 3 years and I messed up ( I think?). A few months ago, a co worker came to me to help with her car ( broken side mirror) and I helped her with it. Fast forward about a month. Co worker again needs her car fixed ( leaking front rain drain seal) anyway I was asking her to come to my home ( all my tools and shit are) to fix or diagnose this. Wife was pissed off with me and drunk when I told her about this (she was mad to begin with) and kicked me out that night, busted my trucks tail light out ( never damaged anything before). So I told this co worker about what happened and was only out of fear something would happen to her or her car. Anyway we ended up talking alot that night about car stuff and random bullshit at work ( forgot to mention we all work together). I met with this said co worker at a Walmart parking lot because we’ll I didn’t have shoes, shirt, or socks on and it was 20 degrees outside at 2 am and she offered a hoodie and blanket to borrow (mainly for helping her with her car). We were talking in the parking lot about deleting the messages and never speaking of this to anyone but I couldn’t forgive myself for hiding stuff from my wife so I kept them and wanted to show her what happened but she had a drinking problem at the time (anger and booze is a bad mix lol). I was pissed with my wife because she busted out my tail light ( Im a mechanic on the side) and ignored her for a week ( I work 40+ hours in a restraint). She eventually took my phone and found the messages and accused me of cheating ( I did NOT CHEAT) . There was no flirting in the messages or anything like that, only car stuff and work stuff. Anyway about a month later she goes to this co worker and talks to her about everything ( from what I know from the wife) and says everything is clear and open but I broke her trust by doing all of this. Upto today’s date, the wife had me block her, ignore her at work, and don’t even acknowledge she exists.

Now there’s this new bartender at work and the wife thinks I’m trying to get with her ( idkek who she is honestly).

I’m just a average guy trying to get by with what I have, I don’t drink, I don’t party, I work alot, I truly enjoy auto mechanics but I’m at my wits end with being called a cheater when I didn’t cheat :/

Any standpoint and honesty is appreciated. And no Im not attracted and want to be with either co workers.

  1. She has issues and jealousy is one she needs therapy and AA and you both need couples counseling.

  2. Your wife has a drinking problem and is wrong to assume you’re cheating under these circumstances. Like, why would you have her come to your house where your wife is if you planned to cheat?

    At the same time, meeting up with the person she thinks you’re cheating with right after she makes the accusation is kind of a bonehead move, even though you weren’t doing anything technically wrong.

    If my wife was concerned about one of my coworkers, I would simply not see that person outside of work regardless of how wrong my wife was about our intentions. You’re not the only person on the planet capable of helping her fix her car.

  3. Your wife got married to a 21 year old man at 39, because she knew he would be easily controlled and be too naive to spot red flags such as her volatility, anger issues, paranoid jealousy (regarding the bartender) and alcoholism. She is deeply insecure and constantly thinking you will exchange her for someone younger because she herself is very fixated on youth and thinks everyone must be the same.

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