If you could go back and “redo” one moment in your life, which moment would it be and how would you change it?

  1. I remember spending my 18th birthday sat on the ledge atop a multi story car park. I really wish younger me had the balls to actually go through with it.

  2. Two days before my husband died of complications due to an appendicitis, we were supposed to have dinner with my parents and he said he wanted to stay home because he was tired. Unusual behavior for him because he was always the life of the party, but he said that a new blood pressure medication he was on was keeping him up at night and I had no reason to doubt him.

    Knowing everything I know today, I should have dragged him to the hospital that night instead of letting another day and a half pass with him acting more tired than usual before I forced him to go to an urgent care center.

    Took a lot of therapy to stop blaming myself and accept that I made the decision that anyone in my situation would have made without being psychic.

  3. Breaking up with my gf when I was 13 – I wouldn’t do it. And I’d have treated her better.

  4. I honestly could say I wouldnt change a thing, cause the things that happen, I learned from them and grew from them and hope I can be a better me, if that makes sense.

  5. Would have taken any of at least three chances I had with a certain gal in college. I was an idiot.

  6. * Buy the shares in google i was offered
    * Register [tesco.com](https://tesco.com) (saw it, never registered it)
    * Learn C++ (although this was hard, as back then not able to find or buy stuff like you can now)

  7. I would have stopped at that blind uncontrolled intersection instead of rolling through it.

  8. Nothing…. I would change nothing. Your life is the sum of all your choices so far. You may think you could go back to a certain point and make a difference choice and life will be better, but you really don’t know that. And you would risk all the good things that happened since then.

    You could say, “I wish I didn’t rob that bank last week” and probably get away with that change and no bad effects. But saying “I wish I would have done X 15 years ago” would be a catastrophic change to life as you know it. If you really sit and think about a bad choice you made and the outcome afterwards, you can find many good things that happened after that you probably wouldn’t want erased from existence.

    Living life thinking about What Ifs is a horrible way to live. It consumes time and energy that you will never get back and will never change. Live for the now and the future. Make better choices going ahead and just accept the ones you have already made.

    If you still want to live in FantasyLand, watch the movie [Family Man](https://youtu.be/OnouJoQs52c) and realize how different life can be by a simple choice being made.

  9. I wouldn’t have thrown that football into a used toilet, which got me kicked out of middle school

  10. Laying on the floor watching a show my ex didn’t like and she laid down next to me. I said why are you laying there and she went upstairs. All I did was lay there and I wish I wouldn’t have said it but even more then I just laid there and let her go away.

  11. I’d go and tell my 12 year old self not to get fat, it actually sucks I’ve been fat for 5 years

  12. That one and only time I cheated. I’m sorry KG. You deserved better. Hope you are well. Love and miss you as always.

  13. Probably major in something else in college. So change the major I chose on whatever day I chose my major.

  14. In September 2014, I was in Australia with the marine corps.my girlfriend at that time broke up with me, offering to talk the next day and either permanently end or reconcile the relationship.

    I reconciled at great cost and effort (she’s now my ex-wife)

    I should have walked away at that time

  15. Last week when I put on losing lottery numbers. I’d put the winning numbers on instead.

  16. When I was 22 my girlfriend of about 8 months and I graduated from college. I’ve never been one celebrate my own accomplishments, but I want to her graduation party that night. Needless to say we all got pretty fucked up, me being the outsider maybe I was more fucked up than others. As we went to bed that night I told her that I loved her and that I was excited to explore life with her. When I left her place the following morning I knew that something was off and sure enough she broke up with me days later on my birthday.

    I’m not exactly sure what I would have done differently. Definitely wouldn’t have drinken as much, maybe wouldn’t have told her how I truly felt. I fully understand that I pressured her in a way that she was6ready for and that’s on me. I think that I would speak less and ask more. I truly loved her and lost her before I was ready. Life worked out and I found the love of my life, but I still wonder what if?

  17. I wouldn’t have opened my mouth about something I thought was funny and bragging rights for this guy which got him kicked out of the club I was in and the result was two lost friends. I honestly hate having ADHD. It doesn’t help in a lot of situations.

  18. The moment i took a purple om tab of acid,19.09.1991. It was a very bad trip and triggered a psychotic breakdown, my life would have turned out completely differently had i not gone through this, it changed everything.

  19. Last monday, when I decided to bike home drunk and broke my ankle. I instead would take up the offer to stay at a friend’s place and wake up with a mild hangover, some slight embarrassment and a happy memory of an excellent dnd session and tasty cheap strong wine.

  20. Never would have let myself get peer-pressured into smoking by an older cool kid.

    Fuck you, Donna!

  21. Phone needs charging….
    A buddy of mine wrote a book about some of those times. I’m in and out of about 2/3 of the book. His mind doesn’t remember many things the way l do…memory is a fickle thing..
    He called me up before he wrote it or during. IDK…but asked if he could write about those days if he changed my name some. I didn’t care one way or the other so he changed my name from Michael to Marvin.
    Horses and hopes and slippery slopes
    By Rich Israel.
    It’s on Amazon

    He and I see the world thru very different eyes…to this day. It was a wonderful nostalgic trip back almost 60 yrs ago. The war was on rock&roll and SF and Berkley Were in full protest mode. The Democrat lic convention was going on in Chicago which was really bad…after wards called a police riot. Cops went nuts and beat the piss out of every body on the streets including some members of congress , journalists and the kids. The country was torn apart but at the base everybody was on the same side.
    Not like today where we are truly divided. Having lived there one era and then living thru this current one…this one is by far worse and way more scary.

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