How did you become financially independent?

  1. Married a good woman, and we both work hard and try to make intelligent financial choices.

  2. Got lucky being born white at an advantageous moment in history … converted those (numerous) privileges into marketable skills … spent less than i earned … married someone with similar values and practices (multiplier effect) …. but mostly step 1, if I’m honest

  3. I went with the thrown to the wolves method. I got a job at 16 at Taco Bell and moved out of my parents to couch surf at a 19 year-old friend of mine’s apartment. I paid him 1/3 if the rent and then after a few months, we upgraded to a two bedroom in the same complex and I started paying half rent. Since then, I’ve always had a roof over my head and always been able to afford the necessities on my own.

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