I have known this guy for about a month and 3 weeks. We are not dating yet but we do have intimacy. We have had the conversation leaving clear that we’re getting to know each other and we’re monogamous. He is really extroverted and l’m introverted but we still have a good connection. He recently asked me if I will go to a nudity beach because his friends invited him, I didn’t say no I just say “IDK I haven’t done that before” (l’m really shy) He proceeded to explain me that doing that kind of stuff makes you feel like taking cocaine (which I haven’t try) I feel like maybe I will do it if we were a couple, and if it was only me and him at least the first time doing it, but I feel like going with his friends naked (and meeting them naked) it’s kind of weird especially if we’re not a couple. Also I feel kinda insecure about him seeing other girls but I know that’s my thing. I don’t feel in the position of telling him anything about this because we’re not a couple. Also yesterday he just mentioned that he will probably go this weekend without, asking me if I wanted to go. Need some advice. Another question how long should I wait until he ask me to be his girlfriend? He looks really interested in me and I don’t want to put pressure but I feel like I should have a time limit.

  1. > doing that kind of stuff makes you feel like taking cocaine

    lolwut, no?! A 1000 times no?! There’s nothing sexual about a nude beach, you’re just going to see a lot of old man dong and old lady droopy boobs. At least the ones I’ve been to.

    Now if this is some sort of swinger thing, that’s a totally different story.

    I have no idea where he’s taking you but make sure you’re 100% fully informed and comfortable with it.

  2. If the thought of going to a place like that makes you uncomfortable you may want to see how much he cares about it, if he loves them and you absolutely hate them that can be a big incompatibility. As far as I’m aware nude beaches aren’t intended to be sexual though so maybe you’re worrying too much, something you need to talk to him about.

    As for waiting for him to ask you to be his gf, just ask him yourself if you want that. You are allowed to take the lead, maybe he doesn’t know you want him to do that explicitly and he already assumes you are. Talk to him about what is making you uncomfortable, tell him what you want, communicating about all this is how you deal with these worries.

  3. This is a big no from me. As someone who has frequented many nude beaches, this is a no. Firstly, you have expressed no desire to go. Secondly, you barely know him or his friends. Thirdly, it sounds like his knowledge of nude beaches stems from Porn Hub. Don’t go. It sounds like it could be a dangerous situation.

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