TL;DR how do you navigate the social media waters when your partner has one but you do not?

I am dating someone significantly younger which is a first for me. I have never had social media (minus snapchat but haven’t used it in years) but I get why some people do. It helps to stay connected to family, friends, bands, businesses, etc. (I do, technically, have an Instagram but it’s not a “real” account. I only use it to track events. So, I don’t have it for the social aspect. I follow no friends, family, and have no photos on it. I just tell people I don’t have one to eliminate the hassle.)

Overall, our relationship is pretty solid. We’ve been dating for a few months, with some minor bumps but have talked through all of them. And our sex life…. 10/10. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about it and audibly say “fuck” out loud. It’s that great. Plus I can see myself falling in love with this person one day. Sometimes I feel like I love him, but it’s usually around the times we’re making out, having sex, or finishing having sex. Any intimate moment, really and I have to stop myself from saying it.

Well, he’s moving away. We’re going to attempt to do the long distance relationship and I think it can work… but I’m starting to have these irrational thoughts. Part of me doesn’t want to bring them up because him moving away is already a heavy topic and he leaves in a few days. He’s not moving back and I’ve been considering moving about 3ish hours away from where he’ll be in about a year. (It was a plan anyway before we started dating).

Anyway, now when we hang out I’ll see notifications pop up on his phone and I start to wonder who it is. There are never any names just “Instagram notification” or “snapchat notification”. I start to irrationally think about who is it? Is it an ex? another woman? family? Something totally random? A friend? What does he post? Who comments on it?

It’s so none of my business and I feel like if he wasn’t moving away so abruptly I wouldn’t be having these thoughts.

I’m just curious for others who don’t have social media but their partner does… do you ever feel insecure? How do you rationalize these thoughts? The obvious is to bring it up… but at the same time this insecure feeling isn’t his problem. And if were to ever cheat on me, yeah that would suck but there’s nothing I can do about it.

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