Hey, community. Before I start off, I know the immediate answer should be no. But let me explain the situation a bit more. One friend of mine says it’s a dumb idea and I’ll just get hurt again. The other thinks I should own my sexuality and have fun. So I am very conflicted with the situation I’m in.

To give some backstory, this entire year has been try and fail for me. I’ve tried dating apps, socializing in bars, and friend-of-a-friend setups. No one has really approached me, and if they did, I always ended up getting ghosted or blown off. It started to affect my self-image, making me feel insecure as if something is wrong with me.

Because of the constant feeling of being unwanted, I kind of gave up looking for someone. I’ll find someone eventually anyway, it’s just not my time.

But then I found someone. He was just my type, he was funny, charming, sexy, and seemed very interested in me. We met at my work and he gave me his number. I was shocked. Someone this attractive and kind was into me? Of course I text him! We went on a couple of dates and they were all perfect. He told me how much he liked me, how I was so different from other girls, and how he wanted to take me out again. I opened up to him about how insecure I was from my past and he told me I was beautiful and deserve the world. He said he couldn’t understand why someone would ghost me. Of course, I fell for his honey-soaked words and slept with him.

After that, he never reached out to me again. He never made an attempt to talk, and if he did, he was barely putting in any work. I tried asking him out a couple of times and he always happened to have something going on. It’s clear that this guy used me. Everyone that I’ve told has said that.

Of course, I got hurt. Big time. To get blown off yet again, but this time I was actually used. It took a while for me to heal, but I’m mostly over it now. We still talk occasionally (because he works next door and is friends with my coworkers).

This did make me realize that I don’t really need a relationship at the moment. But I’d still like to find comfort in someone sexually. Someone I know, not a stranger.

I’d like to strictly hook up with him again because the sex was amazing. But my friends are afraid I’m going to get hurt again. Because this guy was the first time in a long time to give me the attention I wanted and then stripped it away from me.

What should I do? Forget about him completely? Or own my sexuality? He used me for sex, yes. I’ll just be in the loop this time, knowing what I want.

  1. If it comforts you and helps you build up your self-image, then yes. But tell him you are still looking for a relationship elsewhere and actively seek one out. Don’t settle down for him or become too comfortable with this FWB situation. A relationship with him probably won’t work out. You need this mindset to not become too attached. Don’t waste time on it trying to make it work. Don’t “**strictly** hook up with him” or you will get hurt.

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