Would love to know from people in otherwise secure, loving and monogamous relationships.

Please include how long you have known each other and been married/together, whether you have ever felt repulsed by your partner and if there have been times like this, what you thought the cause was, and how you overcame.

Thanks in advance

  1. Married 15 years. Attraction/desire ebbs and flows–that’s why a solid friendship is so important in marriage. I’m still really attracted to my husband and still have feelings of passion just as strong as early on, which actually surprises me that we still feel that way about each other. As far as feeling repulsed–that’s too strong a word for what I’ve experienced. I’ve felt extremely annoyed, frustrated, angry, etc and we’ve had our share of hard, difficult times, but not really repulsed.

  2. Married for 25 years, together for 26. Married young, I was 23; and she was 21.

    We are as much in love as when we first moved in together. She is the most generous and sexiest woman out there but also supportive, intelligent and nice. She is the whole world for me. I will do everything for her.

    We are very comfortable with each other but also have very passionate loving marriage. We kiss, hug, cuddle and have sex at least 3-4 times a week. Never really had any issues, never argued or faught.

  3. Married 8 together 11 years.

    For me we had a very intense attraction from the beginning – although I didn’t want a relationship when we met. I had just come out of a long term verbally abusive relationship (I didn’t realize it at the time – he was very harsh / raised his voice often). My husband is the opposite – he never puts harsh words or raised voices between us and for me that keeps our life a safe space to work on the ebbs and flows of attraction that have come over time. I would say also he is very sexually “obsessed” with me – expresses this daily. My attraction to him comes from being able to open up myself to make advances on him when I want to, be swept off my feet when he flirts.

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