I just had sex we started im missionary position the angel wasent right and i had to force it in when i did so i herd like a krak or popping noise from my pines and like it bent a little. after that i felt my pines lose the hard on and even tho I continued humping i wasnt able to cum to save my life( had to fake it ). Right now i dont feel any pain but i am cuncernd about the sound and something just doesn’t feel right with the feller. If you had something like this let me know or you have any ideas. Thanks

  1. 1) its penis

    2) def go to a hospital just in case, cracks from genitals isn’t normal and better safe than sorry. Go asap

  2. ER, now. Not even joking a little bit. I know they call it a ‘boner’ but there’s no bone in there, nevertheless there’s stuff that can ‘break/pop’. It sounds very much like you did just that. Get yourself to a hospital, NOW.

  3. If your pines made a noise you gotta call an arborist… But in all seriousness get checked by a doctor, a man can’t be too safe with such an important organ.

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