There’s an old vid by Flight of the Conchords called Business Time when he describes anticipating sex night:

*Girl, tonight we’re gonna make love*
*You know how I know?*
*Because it’s Wednesday*
*And Wednesday night is the night that we usually make love*
*Monday night is my night to cook*
*Tuesday night, we go and visit your mother*
*But Wednesday, we make sweet, weekly love*
*It’s when everything is just right*
*There’s nothing good on TV*
*You haven’t had your after-work social sports team practice*
*So you’re not too tired*
*Oh boy, it’s all on*

In college at the time I thought that was funny, now 10+ years of marriage later it’s reality. We have to do this whole unspoken ritual where everyone’s showered, shaved, activities/work out of the way, kids asleep early, no one OTR, etc… Back in the day nothing could get in our way, regardless of time, place, who’s in the next room, whatever. It is limiting things now, because one criteria being unmet means aborting the mission. Is there a way to break this cycle?

1 comment
  1. One, there is nothing wrong with this cycle IMO. Two, the way we deal with it is try to sneak extra times into the week. It takes some energy to change it out, but itis fun.

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