Which college town has the best bar scene?

  1. Age to enter bars is 19 at UIUC, you can’t order drinks but it’s pretty common that a senior would buy drinks and then distribute to those underage.

  2. Of the ones I’ve actually been to, Blacksburg (Virginia Tech) and College Station (Texas A&M) were a ton of fun

  3. Pretty much any flagship state school is going to have a halfway decent bar scene within a few blocks of campus.

  4. University of Texas at Austin, Arizona State-Tempe, University of Georgia, Wisconsin-Madison, Tulane.

  5. I don’t know if it’s the best but I went to college in Burlington VT and I thought the bar scene there was great. TONS of different bars in a small area, so bar hopping was really easily and it was a pretty quick walk to get back home after. My friends and I would typically go get drunk at one of the cheaper bars, then we’d end the night at this kind of bougie bar, order one stupidly expensive drink, and they had tables with Connect 4 on them so we’d get into drunken Connect 4 matches that got really intense.

  6. I have no direct knowledge, but I’d expect Boston from the sheer number of colleges and Madison WI from the number of bars per capita. Though again, no direct knowledge.

  7. The definitive answer is Athens, GA. Most bars in the country per capita. 80 bars in a single square mile

  8. “College town” and “best bar scene” is almost an oxymoron. If you’re in a “college town,” there’s a good bar scene.

    With exception…Provo, Utah.

  9. I haven’t experienced other college towns, but UW-Madison has a huge drinking culture and the campus is essentially surrounded by bars.

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