My husband rarely wears his ring and I usually see it laying on the kitchen counter, in the bathroom, or on his nightstand. He usually wears it to work, but other than that he almost never has it on. Just not sure how to feel about this, and don’t want to nag him to wear it.

  1. Is it comfortable? Some ppl just don’t like wearing rings.

    On the kitchen counter? Assuming he takes it off before cooking/cleaning

    On the bathroom counter, assuming doesn’t shower with it

    On nightstand doesn’t want to sleep with it on?

  2. Have you talked to him about how you are feeling? If you aren’t communicating how it is affecting you he won’t know.

  3. As a married man, I find this strange, but have learned it’s common and I’m actually the “weird” one. I never take mine off unless I’m lifting weights. If I’m not lifting, it literally never leaves my finger. I don’t even feel that it is on, it’s a part of me.

  4. My husband and I haven’t worn rings in years. We’re just not big on jewelry and will take it off because we’re at the gym, or doing dishes, or digging in the garden and we take it off and then forget it for days. Eventually we just stopped and now just wear it for special occasion

  5. I wouldn’t like it… My husband wears his on a chain around his neck. I’d rather it be his finger, but is what it is. My rings never come off, unless I mixing something by hand for dinner.

  6. My husband doesn’t like wearing his ring so he doesn’t unless it’s a formal event.

    He openly tells people we are married and on social media there are wedding pics ect.

    Saying they openly say they are married not wearing the ring is important. A manipulative person would take the ring and just take it off when they are out.

  7. Your husband is me.

    I bake, including bread which involves kneading by hand. Dough under the ring is gross so I take it off. Sleeping with it feels weird, and I’m scared it’ll fall off in the shower with all that soap and shampoo making it slippery.

    Trouble is, I forget to put it back on. It gets left places, and I figure it’s easier to just leave it off than risk losing it. So my rings wind up a bit of a special occasion thing. Bonus is that I don’t have to worry about losing it somewhere out in the bush or in thick disgusting anoxic wetland mud (I’m an environmental scientist).

    I’m no less married because I rarely wear my rings. Now, if I was “forgetting” to wear it on nights out with the girls or other such foolishness, it’d maybe be a bit of a different story

  8. Ask him? He probably has a good reason. I’ve been married for 15 years and I don’t wear mine. I was super skinny when we married but then I gained a bunch of muscle. I don’t love my wife any less. Even when it did fit, I disliked how it felt when I grabbed stuff or how asymmetric it would feel to my other ringless finger.

    My wife doesn’t wear hers either, she lost weight so it has a loose fit now and she’s afraid to drop it.

  9. I’ve been married for 30 years. Early on I often didn’t wear it just because I had never been a ring person and it just bothered me.
    Early on my wife did get upset because I often didn’t wear it.

    I did get into the habit of wearing it but when I came home from work I mostly took it off when I changed our of work clothes.

    The past couple of years I’ve gotten into habit of always wearing it

  10. How is your marriage otherwise? Do you feel secure? That’s much more important than whether he wears his ring regularly. I wear mine to work and generally if I’m leaving the house but if I’m home it’s usually in my ring dish and there are entire weekends I don’t wear it. I get rashes when I get soap stuck under it, and the dog’s leash catches on it, and I don’t want to damage it with cleaning chemicals or get food stuck in it when I’m cooking.

  11. I think that we’re in your wedding ring is a sign of commitment. And I would also be annoyed if my husband didn’t wear his. However as long as he wears it when he goes out in public, I don’t see a problem.

    I don’t wear my wedding ring often because I do a lot of housework and I am very rough. I am constantly losing diamonds out of it so I stopped wearing it unless I go out.

    Honestly I don’t like wearing jewelry at tbh.

    I had the diamonds replaced so many times and shortly after they fall out again. Maybe the setting was not properly made but either way I’m tired of it happening so I only wear it when I go out and public.

    And from him leaving it in multiple different places, it shows that he is at least touching it. It would be worse if it just sat in one place all the time taunting you lol.

    I would not make a big deal out of it unless you see him going out all the time without it then maybe you could say something.

  12. My kid had taken and lost my ring 3 times now lol. I’m glad my wife doesn’t care about it.

  13. I knew my husband wouldnt wear a ring. He straight up told me. We bought a cheap one for the wedding, i have no idea where it is now. I had a key chain engraved with our wedding date and a line if our vowels on it. He has never left home without it in over 15 years. On the other hand i never take mine off. Would feel very naked without them. Everybody is different.

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