I’m trying to get a more attractive physique. What should I do?

  1. Your waist will look smaller as your shoulders and chest get bigger, but keep your diet lean AF.

  2. High volume work on shoulders (lateral raises 8-12×4-3) I also incorporate drop sets always. Chest is also a big one i bench as well as use converging chest machines usually to failure after a bench session. Back is complex I do a bent over row of some sort followed by lat pull downs, face pulls, cable rows where I try to find a good angle for my elbows so I can feel it basically everywhere on my back. All of these with slow and controlled reps to basically failure if not pretty damn close. Think RPE 8.5-10. Make sure you make weekly weight progressions. As the lats, shoulder, and chest grow your waist will begin to appear smaller. If you’re not already lean focus on low calorie dense meals with a focus on protein at all times. This ensures you burn the fluff around your waist to again, accentuate the size difference. Good luck bro!

  3. Do you have the frame for it? Broad shoulders? When you let your arms hang straight down do they rest on your hips or is there still a gap?

    If you have the frame for it, work lats and pecs.

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