I am seeing this Dutch guy for the second date, but he wants to see me for drinks later in the night. I don’t know anything about dating culture in the Netherlands. It is not usual so that is why I am asking. Can anybody give me more knowledge about the dating culture in the Netherlands? And what to expect?

  1. My best advice would be to avoid Dutch men, me and most of my expat girlfriends are deeply traumatized by them.

    But if you want to know about dating culture and him asking you for late night drinks, I can tell you that most of my Dutch girlfriends who have Dutch boyfriends started casually having sex with them on first/second date and then it somehow turned into relationship and that’s how dating mostly goes there. So yeah, late night drinks. Good luck.

  2. Really depends on the person, but the main thing is splitting the bills often yeah. And about the other comment about sex: yes, some of the men are like that, some aren’t, just like in other countries.

    Dutch people are very direct in general, but it isn’t meant in a rude way usually. You need to get used to that haha

  3. Well Proost means cheers and you should read a little about Max Verstappen then you should be good to go.

    Also know that we can be very direct with questions but you should not take it personal as we do this with everyone.

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