I’ve matched with multiple people and almost every single time I ask them about themselves, I get a single “answer.” Response. With absolutely no effort to keep the conversation going. I ask questions because I’m genuinely curious about them and their interests. I understand that often times women are experiencing much more volume than men, but I’m just curious how many non-responses do you all accept before you give up on the conversation?

  1. If they give a dry response twice then I’m out of there. I don’t have the patience to deal with that nor do I want to

  2. Honestly, I try and set up dates with matches instantly. I don’t like getting to know women over text and much prefer meeting them in person. If they are up front and honest and say they need some time before meeting me in person. I’ll usually entertain it for a few weeks and use my judgment but again, my advice is to stop using dating apps as a platform to get to know your matches and instead once you match, try and set up dates.

  3. Open with a quip based on something she said in her bio or in her profile photos.

    Suggest coffee date on the weekend.

    Wait for response. If nothing in 24 hours, unmatch and move on.

    The questions you’re asking should be asked on a date face-to-face. Who’s got time to engage in ‘meaningful’ conversation with 1 guy ocer text, when you’re matched with 50 a day? When you have her for coffee, you’ve got a whole hour (hopefully) to chat about intro topics.

  4. i give it a day. i used to not give it more that a few responses but lately I’ve discovered sometimes it just takes some loosening up. Made a really good friend thru Hinge by keeping the conversation going until he started firing back. Met in person and he was extremely charismatic and engaging in conversation!

  5. 3 times. You ask 3 questions to start a conversation if they don’t ask anything you move on.

  6. It’s not so cut-and-dry as whether a question is asked, but I expect there to at least be content I can “speak to” in the reply. When answers become increasingly matter-of-fact without a branch to continue conversation, I take the hint and just leave it, must not have been a riveting conversation for them.

    >I’m just curious how many non-responses do you all accept before you give up on the conversation?

    One. People who want to continue chatting will find a way to.

  7. I persist for maybe a day. They could be tired or busy the first time. But if they’re the same next time I give up pretty quick.

  8. Two or three.

    As for “meet up as quickly as possible”, I won’t meet up with anyone who can’t be bothered to establish some kind of rapport first.

  9. After a while I just keep asking them questions but make the questions stranger, wierder, and more personal.

    Just a gradual progression from normal questions like “So what do you like to do on the weekends?” To stranger ones like, “When was the last time you shit yourself?” Or “Have you ever been sexually attracted to a rutabaga?”

  10. I usually suggest meeting for a drink or coffee in the first five messages. If we can’t even get to five messages, I just unmatch.

  11. I’d reply to a message like that with an “aw nice!” And leave it at that until I’m asked something. Waste of time in my eyes otherwise

  12. Usually, if I ask an open-ended question, and the woman gives a succinct response, like one short sentence, I give her about 2-3 chances. If she isn’t participating in the conversation, she’s clearly not interested in getting to know me. At that point I just unmatch.

  13. As a 48, college educated, sexy woman, one day or 3 attempts of mine to converse over a day. After that he either can’t afford to respond because he is free user on app or he’s just not that interested

  14. Not more than one-two dry texts. Otherwise, you seem desperate. If the don’t respond to you, they don’t deserve you.

  15. Generally two. I have zero interest in forcing a conversation with somebody who doesn’t want to have one. What I fail to understand is why these people even match to begin with, it’s just a waste of time for all involved.

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