I started this job for almost a year but WFH all the time and only meet colleagues about a month ago. Things go quite well. It’s a small company so we see and work directly with everyone from the Director to the Interns everyday. I actually like my team and for the first time in a couple of jobs, I have the feeling of “belonging” to a team, that we can conquer any project.

And I have a Team Leader who is at the same age as I am, with kind of the same life experience (background, family situation, living abroad,..) as mine. We also share some viewpoints of life, which is not a typical thing in people of our age. So, I had a crush on her and I think she know. But we keep our interactions mainly at the professional level as we both understand that our situation is not normal.

Then out of the sudden, the Director left the job about 2 months ago to go back to his home country. Was a minor shock to me but I thought we will be fine (turn out, no). Next, the Manager left the job 1 month later, right at the time I moved to this city for a better offer, partly due to the departure of the Director. Then earlier today, my Team lead told me that she will leave soon, same reason.

Right now my feeling is mixed. Our current project will be handled by me. I’m okay with that, just the thought of no longer have a team that I enjoy working with is .. sad. Plus I’m not sure how should I react to her departure

Anybody have some similar experience, how did you guys navigate through this?

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