If you travel 1300km to meet your girlfriend after 4 months and within 10 min of reaching her place she leaves you alone because she has made plans to meet her friends and you just stays there all by your self till evening

  1. It seems like we’re missing a lot of the story. But assuming we’re not, I would think she didn’t care about the relationship anymore and was trying to sabotage it.

  2. I would feel very hurt.
    Is there any chance she didn’t know you were coming and had something to attend that was very important like a hens night.

  3. Was this a surprise trip or a planned one?

    If the latter, that would be the end for me. If the former, i would be understanding since it was a surprise.

  4. I’d be hurt and want to know why. Are you sure you’re on the same page about your relationship?

  5. She is not your girlfriend.

    Only in your mind.

    Make an other 1300 km trip – and go back home. At once.

  6. So you didn’t ask to visit, you forced yourself into her home and she removed herself from the situation by making plans for when you’re there.

    I’m not convinced you’re in a relationship. I don’t think she likes you or wants to be around you at all. And you seem a bit creepy.

  7. I would be quite sad not gonna lie. I’d ask why would I even bother coming if they aren’t even going to make any time for me.

  8. Your inner happiness shouldn’t be dependent on others. You feel depressed when you are afraid of person you are in love. Dude reality is life is like that. No relationship is absolute. If a human relationship is absolutely then one human must be loving dead; because he or she won’t lose them. You came alone in this world ; you will be going alone. It’s the reality. I am not finding mistake in other person and talking very sensible.

  9. I would turn around and leave. Obviously, you are not a priority since she can see her friends every day. You need to evaluate your worth and weigh out her actions carefully to see if they still work for you.

  10. Looking at your older posts, you just need to stop.
    Delete and block her contacts. You’re stressing yourself into an early grave over someone who clearly doesn’t care about you and is getting her back blown out by her ex. You need to understand that you mean nothing to her. The sooner you let that sink in, the sooner you can move on. As for what to do with her gifts, donate it, burn it, throw them away, blow them up for all I care. It’s seems like you’re holding onto them as a possible excuse to contact her. Plus it’s long distance! Why are you putting yourself through this for a garbage person that’s 1300km away when there’s perfectly good garbage people right in your back yard. Pull yourself together.

  11. I’d be pissed off that I as foolish enough to have bothered with the trip as I turned around and headed back home.

    I’d also be pissed at myself for thinking she was into me and that she would have wanted to see me. And I’d never talk to her again.

  12. y’all, look at his post history. you posted essentially the same thing about a month ago, and you have been going on and on about this ex/gf. not to mention, your writing style is extremely difficult to comprehend and you just keep saying the same thing over and over again. you need to stop thinking about your gf or ex gf or whatever and move. on. if what you’re saying is all true, she was manipulative & uninvolved in your relationship and it’s good that you cut contact. you need to stop thinking about her and get a grip. i’m sorry your gf cheated on you, she’s very shitty for doing that, but you gotta let go of past hangups about her so you can begin to heal yourself

  13. You keep posting about this on Reddit over and over again even know it happened a while ago.

    Stop. Move on and work on your self esteem.

  14. Jesus fuck dude I keep reading your replies to people.. the girl doesn’t care about you. You traveled so far and she LEFT YOU ALONE FOR HOURS ON END to meet her friends. She could’ve easily said no to them. Just leave her and save yourself that pain.

  15. Two things man. Work on sentence structure and grammar. And second, get a new girl man, if this chick even is your girl.

    I had to read a ton of what you wrote multiple times to understand it. Some still dont make sense. Idk if english is your second language or not from reading how you wrote.

    Id like to think its pretty universally agreed that, while she doesnt OWE YOU her time, its pretty damn rude to basically move about her week with you as the afterthought. Doubly so, given how far you travelled. Yall arent just blocks apart, or a half hour away. I’m not convinced youre genuinely in a relationship. That is to say, you may be, but she sure isnt.

  16. I would say poor planning on her part or she just doesn’t care. As for your reaction yes you can take it personally if you choose to and be upset or you can wait till she gets back and ask her hey you know I was coming why did you still go out with your friend when I only get to see you for a very short period of time not very often. then depending how much she answers you’ll have your answer whether she wants to end the relationship or just isn’t as into you as you are into her.

    I just read through some of your comments. She doesn’t care about you at all. first of all she didn’t invite you to visit her, sounds like you just said hey I’m coming to visit. So you keep saying you told her you were coming. So that implies she never invited you. Maybe she’s angry about that who knows but considering her actions during your stay yeah it’s done. If you want to formally break up with her and go right ahead otherwise just stop communicating with her.

  17. It means she’s not your girlfriend anymore and wants you to end the relationship because she doesn’t have the courage to end it herself

  18. Lmao, I feel like I was in the complete opposite boat. I spent thousands to go see my ex multiple times and I guess I should’ve learned, but all of our days was him just sitting on the computer and spending time with friends that he could’ve spent time with at any other point when I wasn’t visiting.

    I wish I didn’t spend all that money, but yeah, some people would rather just do anything else than spend time with you.

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