What is something that makes you feel like a ‘badass’ ?

  1. Discipline. I struggled a lot with it for years. Especially with food and exercise so when I keep a count of my calories and practice mindfulness and determination to reach my goal, you can’t tell me anything. Nothing better than having control of yourself!

  2. My steampunk leather belt pocket. It’s a glorified fanny pack but it looks great. I could fit a whole sandwich in it.

  3. I have worked out every single day for six years, come bad weather, sickness, injuries or anything. I take off holidays and birthdays, that’s it.

    I feel amazing.

  4. I have a quick, sarcastic wit and most people think it’s hilarious. I love making people laugh.

  5. Not dressing my age and my unique outfits that I throw together that get me stopped on the street by multiple strangers to compliment my style

  6. I know that this is lame, but successfully repairing or installing stuff around the house. I have no knowledge about how to put things together or installing light fixtures or even menial repairs, so if I successfully manage to fix something or put something up, I feel like I can do everything.

  7. I’m taller than most of my friends, so when we hang out together I feel like I stand out (mostly when I get dressed up and I feel confident)

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