I realised I’m intimidating. I look and seem intimidating all the time. My lips are big and because of that, they are heavy on my face so they drag down causing a natural frown. Get comments like “Are you okay?” “You look sad” “You look pissed” when it’s just my neutral face. When I catch my reflection in public I look either pissed or sad and due to me being anxious and impatient I walk very very fast so I’m basically this fast walking pissed/sad looking person in public. Friend told me she drove past me and I looked really mad (btw I’m not a mad person, normally just emotionless around strangers but I try to smile here and there but overall I try to be nice and smile esp. to cashiers and all that)

And not to get on the topic but I’m black so the whole looking mad thing is not fixed at all with my appearance and how people subconsciously view black people as ‘mad’ and in some cases ‘threatening’ does NOT HELP.

Now at first I was offended at the fact that people viewed me as intimidating but now I’ve actually come to terms with it and kind of like that about myself. May I also add that, people who are normally very extroverted and talkative get quiet and shy around me and shit MADE ME PARANOID that these loud people would all of sudden go quiet. But maybe it’s cause I’m growing older but I started to realise that if that’s how people view me then that’s fine. I like the feeling that people are intimidated by me and I generally have no idea why, but like I said, if that’s how people view me then why the fuck should I care about that anymore. People move out the way when I’m walking, I don’t look like a pushover/doormat (although personality-wise I am) when I have my neutral face and don’t have strangers talking to me or anything.

Is it weird that I don’t wanna seem approachable anymore, I used to be desperate to look happy so that people weren’t intimidated but I feel sick and tired of it. People just don’t like talking to me or they are scared to but I gotta ask is this mindset too idk..edgy and if this is going to do more harm than good for myself as I’m still kinda young, I just don’t want to be exhausted trying to change for others (sorry that shit was corny)

TDLR; should i just embrace that people are intimidated by me or should I do something about it? but for some reason I like intimidating people now after I accepted that I am (like i said sorry if this comes across as a try-hard edgy person).

1 comment
  1. I don’t think it matters whether you embrace your intimidating looks or not. It’s a matter of what YOU want. If it gets in the way of what you want, then work on it. Otherwise, if you’re good with how things are going, embrace it!

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