Using a throwaway for obvious reasons

A few years ago when we were in the honeymoon phase of our relationship we used to take photos and videos of us nude. They weren’t to share with anyone, just as a fun thing to do. That was like 5 years ago and I genuinely forgot about them.

Last week I found one of those old pics on a certain bikini subreddit. I freaked out, my first thought was that someone hacked me or something. I confronted my husband and he said that he posted a few photos, both nude and half nude to various subs. He didn’t think it was a big deal and that they were a few years old so it’s not like anyone would recognize me from them. I know he took some of them down but I’m not sure if all. I don’t know what to think. I just feel so betrayed.

TLDR: husband posted old photos of me online.

  1. Oooof that’s concerning. What concerns me is he didn’t respect you enough to ask or even think to ask before sharing those photos online. You did not consent to having your sexual image uploaded for the pleasure of strangers. Relationships are built in respect and trust, and he violated both. If I were you I would consider breaking up and if he doesn’t remove the pictures pursuing legal action.

  2. What an asshole husband!
    It’s completely not allowed to post someone’s personal photos without their permission. Your husband could be arrested.

  3. That’s absolutely not ok. Ask him to take it all down, immediately, and delete them all from all devices.

  4. That’s absolutely not ok. Ask him to take it all down, immediately, and delete them all from all devices. This is an enormous breath of trust.

  5. On which tree can we see him hanging?

    That is such a no-go.

    I am actually speechless, I would never inflict such horror to my wife. At least make sure he took everything down, let him proof it to you. Let him delete all the photos as well.

  6. I hope you realise that those pictures will never, ever disappear from the internet. People save these and share them around on various websites, not just Reddit. Try to reverse image search to see if they come up anywhere.

    You are right in feeling betrayed, because he treated you like a little trophy to show off to others. A hot, shiny object to flaunt around to get internet brownie points.

  7. JFC. So he does this, what else does he do that you don’t know about/haven’t found out about yet? Not to mention that him doing that is probably a crime.
    He posted you, without your consent, to a public forum. Anyone can have your nudes now, whether he deleted them or not.

    I could NEVER feel comfortable with a partner who violated me like this. Kids or not, marriage or not, you REALLY need to rethink this relationship.

    What would you tell a friend to do if this happened to them?!

  8. More than likely people have downloaded the pics and also could be uploading them elsewere. People post pics from the web to porn sites daily.

    I allways caution people on sending naked pics were they can be identified to their SO because of: Revenge, stolen phone, bad friend who steals the photo, accidentally sending them to people. These stuff happens.

  9. Where I live this is illegal and he could face jail time. His absolute lack of respect for you, your privacy, your boundaries and your body is a HUGE red flag.

  10. Things on the internet dont get deleted when you “take them down”.

    I would say this is a major thing.
    Here in my country, internet is seen as one of the four medias (tv, radio, print, internet) and to publish anything on any non celebrity without they giving them the green light is criminal. Also you need to have the right from the owner of the photo as well. And in this case we talk about nudes!

    Put aside the legal aspect,
    I wouldnt trust this guy with anything.
    There is a chanse friends, people around you and and strangers online probably know all about your sexlife, secrets etc.
    (non native english)

  11. Can you simply step away from this relationship while you gather yourself for the next stage? Take key documents with you? Or simply go straight to the police or a lawyer?

  12. Your husband’s excuse is clich´é ‘rape culture’ distilled.

    He sexually exploited you as his price chattel for meaningless reddit points & to beat his own ego meat – and he “couldn’t help himself cause you’re just so hot?”


    OP, now you do know for certain what his reaction will be, when your daughter comes home aged 15, shattered after being raped by her first bf.

    Your husband will shake the rapist bf’s hand when the kid tells him, “you know, i just couldn’t help it – she is just so hot!”.


    Place discussion with husband on ice for a bit and go to solo-therapy to really explore if you *actually* are so okay with this. It is okay if your reactions are changing as you may still be in shock at realising how abusive this is.

  13. Dudes like this give me nightmares , and also the fact he downplays it by saying he thought it was okay because they were old photos. That shit makes me angry for you.

    If your face was in em, thats really terrible news for you. He has some sort of hot wife, wife sharing fetish.

    I would never trust him w those types of photos again

  14. “Not like anyone would recognize you” 😂😂

    How much plastic surgery, tanning bed time, and hair coloring have you done?? Are you a body builder now???

  15. Have him give you all the photos – delete or lock them away. He broke your trust in a major way – tell him this (imagine if you did this – he would (likely) be pissed). He needs to prove himself more trustworthy. Until then he isn’t.

  16. What a massive violation of trust. To me, this would feel far worse than cheating. I’m not sure I’d be able to come back from such a betrayal, personally.

  17. Hire a pi and have him do a deep search on the pictures; they could come up in job searches for years.

  18. Um what, why did your husband think its okay to share your naked body online? It doesn’t matter how old the photos are. You never do that without consent. Why didnt he ask or tell you? Because he knows it is a big deal

  19. Will need links so we examine the evidence and determine the magnitude of the breech….. 😎

  20. oof- that is a violation of your boundaries and very controlling of your husband. and as someone said- that’s just what you’ve found out there are prob other things.

    it’s like you are an object. i am so sorry, that is a huge violation of your trust.

  21. To me, this is instant divorce as well as pursuing criminal charges. Burn his life to the ground. Make sure to tell his family what he did

  22. I hope you give this dumb dick the smack down OP. This is crazy, like psychotic behavior. Who the fuck does this guy think he is lmao? The fucking nerve omg. No consent just posting pics of you online FOR WHO???? WHO THE FUCK DOES HE NEED TO VALIDATE THIS??? Good god man. Break up. 100% Make sure you get all the pictures he has. Then when he says he gave you them all, keep asking cuz you know it won’t be all of them. Then break up with a big fuck you and leave. Good luck OP.

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