what’s the difference between putting ketchup on a burger vs a steak?

  1. Burgers are made from ground beef, which itself is usually made of trimmings and roasts which are otherwise tough cuts. Usually this is not real high quality beef. Tasty though it may be.

    A steak has a unique texture and flavor combination that should not be obscured with ketchup.

  2. I don’t use ketchup on either but a steak can easily stand on its own with just some seasoning. Even a good burger is helped with some additions.

  3. Putting ketchup on steak is like building a domino chain for days and only seeing it after they all done toppled

  4. I’ve used ketchup on a steak called milanesa very good. It’s basically chicken friend steak bit Mexican

  5. Typically with a good steak the cut, marbling, and manner of cooking gives a distinct flavor and texture for that specific piece. There is a ton of work that goes all the way from the livestock program, to the butcher, to the logistics team that gets it to you, and finally cooking it. There’s a certain satisfaction I personally feel when eating a good steak (or any really high quality ingredients really) where I wouldn’t want a generic bottled condiment flavor covering it. A fresh made ketchup that’s specifically made to compliment the steak? Go right ahead!

    Usually with a burger the condiment mix is part of the whole experience of eating the burger, so I eat it the way the person who cooked it intended me to eat it.

  6. Ketchup doesn’t really belong on a steak or a burger but I guess a burger is more forgivable because it is a cheaper cut of meat so you don’t ruin it by drowning it in ketchup

  7. If you don’t know the difference, you don’t deserve a steak. LOL

    The only thing I use ketchup on is French fries. AnotherironicPenguin has the correct answer.

  8. Nothing I eat a shit ton of meat I stopped respecting it years ago. Do what you have to do to get your protein in.

  9. Burgers are not made of the highest quality meat so it’s okay to dress it up. A good steak requires very little if anything at all, oh and fuck a1. If you want to know an easy way to make a great steak watch the Gordon Ramsey pan fried steak video on YouTube.

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