I (27M) have been talking to this lady (30F) for about a month now. We first started talking after I DMed her on FB, and then added her as a friend. We planned a date, but the afternoon before the date she told me she was talking to another guy. He had asked her to be his girlfriend to which she accepted (supposedly), and just wanted to be straight with me. Before we stopped talking though I told her that if things didn’t work out with this other guy I was still definitely interested.

A week goes by, and one day I get a notification that she had finally accepted my friend request. Turns out things didn’t work out, so I hit her up and set up another date. In my opinion the date went really well. We went to a cafe to play video games, and then went out for dinner and chatted for while before going our separate ways. A couple days later I suggest a disney+ and chill at her place (she’s got her own place), to which she accepted but straight up said no to sex, but yes to cuddling.

I brought over lunch (chipotle), and we watched a couple of movies. At one point I fell asleep resting my head on her lap, but other than that we were just chilling until I had to head into work. We’re already talking about seeing each other another day, but I was just wondering if maybe I was being too straight forward/ rushing things. We’re still just in the talking phase, but I think she knows whats up.

1 comment
  1. >to which she accepted but straight up said no to sex, but yes to cuddling.

    If she’s following the progression I think she’s following, you’ve already passed the first test. She trusts you enough to know where she lives, which is a huge step. You came, stuck around, didn’t push her for sex, she’s probably thinking you’re BF material – because you’re not spending time with her purely for sex.

    Or, if she’s following the other progression, she may have wanted you to initiate kissing/heavy petting, push for sex, allow her to reject you and then see what your reaction is like. If you’re petulant/aggressive/sulky about not getting laid – goodbye. If you take it well, acknowledge you want her but respect her wishes – chance for another date.

    Guess we’ll just have to see if she says yes to another date or not.

    >I was just wondering if maybe I was being too straight forward/ rushing things.

    Nope. She said yes to you coming over to her place for Netflix and (no) chill. If you were rushing things, she would have said no.

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