What was your first job?

  1. Small town movie theater. Two screens, shitty audio, cheap tickets, and minimum wage. It was great.

  2. Concession stand at a softball field at 14 for 10$ an hour (under the table). Dad’s were nice, moms couldn’t stand waiting in line for hot chocolate to warm up. Snacking on fries and other snacks while the boss was away was awesome.

  3. Hired help at an airsoft field. Got around $50 a day. Sometimes more based on player turnout

  4. Baker, never knew I would love it so much and make it a hobby and get me into cooking and baking..

  5. Junior developer at one of the biggest companies based in my area. Mainly frontend, but I also do backend and Android things. Currently at it (I have only 1 YoE)

  6. Dishwasher in an Italian restaurant called Roman Delight in Philadelphia.

    This was a million years ago and thousands of miles away.

  7. Newspaper delivery by bicycle. First “real” job was scooping ice cream at ice cream store.

  8. Subway. Boss was a sexist asshole who let the girls hang out on phones and make sandwiches while the guys did everything else. Hell she made me clean the floors with a toothbrush once cause I couldn’t just sit there while that’s exactly what the girls were doing.

  9. I was a lifeguard. Best job I ever had! I would do it again in a heartbeat if it paid enough to cover the bills

  10. Packing groceries, 4.75 an hour. How to pack groceries, and that everyone should work retail/customer service for two years so they can learn how to not be insufferable fucks to people in the service industry.

    The customer is an insufferable fuck.

  11. News paper round in 1987 ish. Long round but paid up to ÂŁ60 per week which was a fortune back then. I was the richest kid in my group.

  12. Post office around year end, stacking gift boxes, writing address on paper slips. Remember tons of post codes as the result. Good times.

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