He’s (M’26) 6’1 but I’m (F’24) 5 ft tall. We did it for the first time yesterday and it felt soo uncomfortable. Him being fully in me hits my cervix and that hurts like hell. Is there a way to properly prepare . I’m scared he might rip something.

  1. There’s positions that naturally make his thrusts shallower (prone for instance). Also lube and lots of foreplay. Don’t be afraid to tell him to take it easy. Don’t worry if anything he’ll see it as an ego boost lol.

  2. Read the FAQ over at r/bigdickproblems. It has some good tips.

    Basically you want to get oral and fingering first, then use a small toy, then penis. Do not skip this warmup process with bigger equipment, that’s what leads to tears.

    The hitting the cervix thing can be fixed by telling him to be careful, or using a penis bumper or a couple of squishy c-rings around the base of the penis. They block the penis before it goes in too deep, preventing painful deep penetration.

  3. Sometimes the trick is actually to go deeper. Your cervix has a surrounding area of fornices, pockets if you will, called the Anterior and Posterior fornix.

    The anterior lies above the cervix, the posterior below. To penetrate these pockets, your guy needs to thrust until you can feel him at your cervix, then he needs to angle up towards your belly button, or down towards your ass, and thrust deeper.

    To men, the fornices can feel like a second vagina designed for the head of the dick.

    To some women, they either experience otherworldly pleasure or pain, usually in between.

    But obviously this isn’t true for everyone, and you might not like it.

  4. First off, let him know if you haven’t. As a guy, we feel when we do that, but I have had partners that never said a word, so it was a surprise to me the first time I found out it was painful. Adjusting angles, positions, and being mindful of it, can minimize or eliminate it.

  5. This was how my wife was when we first had sex long time ago and she got use to it after relaxing and him ease it in and work his hips making you more wetter

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