I’ve known the girl in question since 2017, we briefly had a sort of semi-romantic exchange? Flirting etc, but we never “officially” dated.

As time has gone on we gradually talk less and less.

She will go weeks without messaging me or responding to my messages, Just to say “boys are so dumb” randomly out of the blue with no context. Upon me asking “why is that?”

she usually just doesn’t respond.

I’m starting to wonder if this is supposed to be some sort of social cue I’m missing. Or some hidden meaning. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Probably might be some hidden meaning behind it, but that doesn’t matter. She’s being purposely enigmatic and it’s fucking dumb. So, just tease her. Next time she texts you say something like “Oh look another mysterious text from (what’s her face). Wonder if she’ll respond to me this time with an explanation.”

    Also ask yourself, what do you actually want out of your friendship with her? Do you want to hang out or be more in touch? Do you just want her to stop with these mysterious texts with no context? Figure out what you want and how you’d like your interactions to go from now on and communicate that to her.

    You are not some person she gets to text weird shit to just so she can get off on your confusion in her lack of response. Either you both communicate and get what you want out of your friendship or just block her and move on.

  2. This is just a guess.

    Well if you want anything to do with her, it’s an invitation. She was probably interested in you and thought you were too, then just decided you were dumb for not following through because she’s awesome. I bet she has had a few dates or interactions that made her feel like “boys are dumb” and vents by texting you, another dumb boy. I’m guessing regular sex, probably more was on the table.

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