So first Hello. A woman at my gym and I started seeing each other but it was super random between sets and it was for 3 days and on the 4th day as we were passing each other she looked at me and smiled and said “good morning” and then ” good morning” she started standing next to me and even when I started stretching after the workout she started stretching next to me and started a small conversation, I complimented her on her beautiful name and good energy, we talked a little, then we said ” bye” and that was it for the day. Then the next day we said hi, started small talk and I asked her for her number and she told me she had kids and a boyfriend. I’m a bit confused too because I thought she was picking on me or was she really picking on me and telling me about the kids and the boyfriend so I wouldn’t be surprised in the future? What do you think? p.s. I am 22 years old. I don’t know her age because it’s not fair to ask, but she’s definitely older than me.

  1. A lot of women like to get validation from men especially at the gym. Exercise makes your hormones go wild. It’s the reason you feel horny after lifting heavy weight. Women feel the same. Just keep flirting with her and let everyone in the gym see it. This way you will get more female fans that you can go after.

  2. – Good morning

    – are you hitting on me again? Can’t a guy work out without being objectified for his beautiful body?

    – LoL… WTF?!

    – I know you are all about this body because we haven’t talked enough for you to get to know my personality. By the way – are you hitting on me?

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